yea mine leaked oil from the starter motor and just a little seepage from the stator. But now she won't start! I started it and rolled it into my garage to put the fenders back on. Tried to start it again and it won't do anything! The neutral light is on and the start button and killswitch works. CRAP!
Check the connections at the starter solenoid. Those wires are very sensitive and it doesn't take much for the solenoid to quit working. I got mine a little too muddy and it would quit working until I took the plug apart and cleaned it.
If the neutral light is on, be sure the ignition switch is also on. (Duh, but hey, we all forget now and then!)
So the guy is coming to see it regardless, he calls me and says he is going to check out another quad on the way but he doesn't think he will like it. He calls me later while I am sitting on the quad and says he traded it for that other quad. CRAP AGAIN! So just out of spite I try to start the warrior and it starts right up. It didn't do that five minutes before. My quad just doesn't want to go I guess!
I live in Fishkill NY, I have the quad up here. Let me know if you are interested in it! lol