Traded for this over the Weekend


Dec 1, 2009
Hamlet, NC
I wasn't ready to spend money on a motorcycle yet, but when I saw this one pop up on Craigslist, I couldn't resist. I traded an old Craftsman riding lawnmower (evenly) for...




'87 Kawasaki KZ305 LTD. Nothing special, but it should be a good first bike for around town. 15K miles, clear titile, CDI ignition (early models had points), BELT DRIVE!! and it runs! It needs a battery and a good cleaning, but otherwise it's ready to go. I heard it fire before taking it home, so hopefully a weekend of simple tuning-up will put her on the road.
Nice starter bike. The only thing I don't like bout the ltd's are the bars. odd handleing but comfterable going in a streight line. I took my cycle test on a 440 ltd. Has it been siting for a while? Good luck with it hope you like it.
Nice starter bike. The only thing I don't like bout the ltd's are the bars. odd handleing but comfterable going in a streight line. I took my cycle test on a 440 ltd. Has it been siting for a while? Good luck with it hope you like it.

Thanks, I'm excited! Yeah, the first thing I noticed when I climbed onto the saddle were the funky 'bars. They have to go, or at least be replaced with something wider.

According to the last owner, the bike hasn't been ridden much in the past 6 months. I may be able to get away with just new bowl gaskets, fuel lines, and a good bowl clean-up, but the right side carb is attached to a cracked intake boot. So I have a feeling both carbs will be coming off for a thorough inspection and cleaning while I order two new boots and a new air filter. Glad I found Bikebandit.
On the carbs watchout for the top cover on the slides theirs a rubber diafram that moves the slide make sure that their not cracked. If I remember right their a vaccum slide setup. And for the bars I'd try a set of kz bars or better yet a set of drag bars like my CB550.
Nice score!

Looks clean for it's age and 15k aint chit, man. You'll get some good cruis'n time on that girl.
treat her well, and she wont let you down...

you'll love riding bikes on the road. just make sure you watch out for people, since they dont watch out for you. if it's your first bike, you can expect to put it down a few times. just be careful and know your own limits and you'll be golden