to do or not to do


New Member
Nov 22, 2007
im think of putting an old blaster motor in this and make a awsome pit quad would be funny me on an lt 80 beating a 300ex i would feel bad for the other kid but im going to do it up but for a pipe im making it come out the front and bend backwards itd going to be sick

Dude I feel your energy, I want to ride the wave, but, I have no clue what you are talking about!

What ya putting it in?

Is a "pit quad" a real thing?

In the 200CC range....?

I'm all for it, just old and slow, 'splain it to me. I didn't get the first run.

tried to put a pic but i diddent work a 90 frame with everything on it just rip out the motor and make the blaster motor go right in their with mods
yea that would be awesome but an lt 80 is awesome to my bro ran it in the lake and completely submerged it, ran it out of oil, put diesel fuel in it, had a really gnarly crash, and had a bunch of tree incidents basically an lt 80 will go through hell. Oh and it still runs today lol