

New Member
Oct 4, 2009
hey guys just wondering if anybody has any input on older warriors [1988 mostly] reliability? goods? bads? any input really. the reason why im asking is i have a chance to trade my blasty for a 1988 warrior my blasty is an 02. i have a warrior right now and love it but im not sure about the older ones . . . any thoughts or input would be great. thanks guys
well i was thinking the same thing but the blaster has some carb problems and has no brakes what so ever . . . and i only paid 100 bucks for it
just think about it you paid less than $4275.55 less that what i paid for mine fix that mosoka and make it run and Christmas is coming up so ask for the parts you need for it for Christmas
hahaha i think my christmas money is already going towards parts for my warrior i have a hydro caliper but i need to find a way to mount the master and the res. for it