They must think we're stupid...Really?!?!...


Nov 14, 2013
Coal City, Illinois
I just had the must pointless talk with a guy looking to buy my snowmobile. He seen the my blaster sitting in the garage. He told him he has been riding quads his whole life, and has rode everything there is, then asks me what it is and is it for sale...I said, it's a blaster....and hell no!!

He then either sh*t his pants or it was the BS coming out of his mouth when he mentioned he "had" a banshee. This banshee he put $11,000.00 into and would do......135mph!! I then give him the benefit of the doubt..why? I dont know...and I asked what were the mods. He said exhaust..."and a bunch of other stuff...ya know" So I asked what exhaust did he go with...he stood there with a puzzled look, and told me he couldn't remember...LOL...wth!!

So now I sit stupified by this yahoo....
Dude! Thats when you start messing with him and make up some of your own crazy stores! lol ;)
I should have...I have a XCR 700, I should have told him, it has 300HP and the speedo will do 2 wrap's that fast! The DG stingers and can gives it an extra 50mph. If he claims to spend $11k on a banshee, I should have asked why the low ball offer, and why not just pay the asking price.

What a compulsive lier!
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I have seen some drag banshees with 11000 into them easy. This guy was clearly bull sh*tting but its not impossible. I wonder how much wifesblaster has into his? 5k-8k? I have also seen quite a few shees hit 100+ mph. But if he said he paid 11k for one used then he is lying.
Ya but wifes knows his quads nd the mods, this guy couldnt even name his damn pipe. He probably dosnt have any quads and is just wasting peoples time.
When ever I sell a bike and they see my stuff I always have my dad with me. He's a retired Philly cop so I'm so much comfortable. And he always tells them that when we talk about other stuff so they know not to pull anything sketchy lol.