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I use to drive one until my dad made me pay the $140 to get the tank filled, f that lol.
Diesel costs a lot especially on big trucks...
The truck I drove had an aftermarket tank because it use to be a company truck to haul around fireplaces. It was a fun truck to do burn outs with though.
i dont think i have any pictures of our dodge...

last winter we put a 5" stack on it

so funny story about the stack... there was a place that worked on/built custom semi trucks and their main thing was to pull stock stacks
so we have a semi stack on our dodge.

and trust me, dont try to sneak off with a semi stack and muffler all in one in the back of a ranger. because they are like 14 feet long
They are heavy too. My dad's friends with a small truck shop owner and I help out there from time to time. I do know being a diesel mechanic is not what I want to be though, I'm scared of getting a hernia when we lift off a head with three or four people. Just way to heavy for me.
I don't like body work either. Every night after sanding on something I come home coughing and sneezing up gray primer. I just like engine work I guess? I do like painting though, I want to learn about airbrushing because that takes mad skills.
I don't like body work either. Every night after sanding on something I come home coughing and sneezing up gray primer. I just like engine work I guess? I do like painting though, I want to learn about airbrushing because that takes mad skills.
Do you not wear a mask!

That stuff will have you pushing up Daisies long before you get old!
we found an old international pick-up whilst driving around looking at hunting land

also what we believe is a studebaker truck. but looking at pictures online it doesnt have the right front end.
what old trucks have dual lights one on top of the other?
what are your opinions on the dodge dakota. I want a truck that is small has enough power to pull a trailer with 2 quads and 1 in the bed. I also want a v8. could the 318 do it? Would you buy one?