The Tavern - Your Chatter Feed

Got my 3D printed keychain today! There was a little glitch in the printer that messed up the loop at the top. Now to lightly sand down the grooves left by the path of the printer and spray on a clear coat! Really happy with how it turned out.... and the fact it was free!

Photo on 4-28-15 at 12.37 AM.jpg
Photo on 4-28-15 at 12.37 AM #3.jpg
So far my husky has a compression of 190 psi. It's almost passing the pressure test. I made new gaskets for the funky intake setup and it was bleeding off air. The aluminum intake was oxidized so I cleaned it up and added some yamabond to it to help seal her up. Once it sits for a few, I'll re test it.
so...whats your craigslist average sale price for blasters.....lately ive only see $850 and up for prices. haha
Well the mountain behind our house has been on fire since early yesterday morning. Today when I just got home all we can smell is smoke and can see the smoke over the ridge. It would have a way to go to get to us but it sure has moved quite a bit since yesterday with the wind. Hope they can put this thing out soon.

Just got news it jumped the highway and is in our forest. There starting to evacuate homes just down the road and wind is blowing hard this way. This isn't cool :(
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