The start of my ground up build..

Well I came in from the garage Mr pouty face cus I couldn't weld last night and the wifey said What happened. I said im out of welding wire. To my surprise she went to the closet with the kids presents and handed me a new spool of welding wire and said you mean this !! . :confused: I was the exact thickness and wire I needed.. :D.. How she knew I needed it I have no idea but I was pleasantly surprised.. 2 points for the wifey on this one..
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Well I came in from the garage Mr pouty face cus I couldn't weld last night and the wifey said What happened. I said im out of welding wire. To my surprise she went to the closet with the kids presents and handed me a new spool of welding wire and said you mean this !! . :confused: It was the exact thickness and wire I needed.. :D.. How she knew I needed it and what to get I have no idea but I was pleasantly surprised.. 2 points for the wifey on this one..
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Well I came in from the garage Mr pouty face cus I couldn't weld last night and the wifey said What happened. I said im out of welding wire. To my surprise she went to the closet with the kids presents and handed me a new spool of welding wire and said you mean this !! . :confused: I was the exact thickness and wire I needed.. :D.. How she knew I needed it I have no idea but I was pleasantly surprised.. 2 points for the wifey on this one..
That's sweet seems they always come thru for us at the most unexspected and most needed times gotta luv em
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Quick update. this is actually the second stem I did since the first one I hadn't noticed until I was all don't that at the very top of the stem it was bent. I checked the whole stem before with strait edges so I can match my lines up and such after I cut, but I didn't bother to look at the verry top. the bend was right under the clamps like 1/4 under.. I got the xtra stem on E bay for cheap and it said it was strait .. ohh well,, I cut my own and used the xtra stems center strait piece to go over the 3/4" piece of hard pipe I have inserted about 2" on each side. Welded then grinded down the welds to make look a little prettier. Paint is next... Fairley simple mod if you have a saw and welder. Wish I took more pics but its hard for me to stop and take pictures when im in the middle of doing something..


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Scratch the swing arm extension , I grabbed a +4 swing arm. Wanted a +3 but beggers cant be choosers. Not that I didn't trust the swing arm extension , which I might use on one of the other bikes, but I went this far so I might as well do an extended swing arm. First I am going to try the +2 extension and then try the +4 swinger. After some test rides ill decide what is best for what I need. Also got steering stem done pics to come shortly.
Stem is done. Came out ok. im pleased. Actually verry easy and cheap to do if you have access to a welder.
Me either Dave. It feels like it is never going to happen but im slowly getting there.


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+4 swing arm showed up today. Im going to see if I can catch the guys at the shop and grab some paint. not really much more to update other than Im getting ready to start to put things together. Pant is done on frame but I had a problem with my clear coat (isn't shooting right) << not sure what is wrong so ill start over on that (froze at some point maybe??).. a arms are ready to get painted as well. I was going to go powder coat but honestly I don't want to wait and I get paint very cheap if not free and do myself. So paint it is. Im hoping in the next couple weeks assembly will be well on its way. I still have to send my head to Kor but I havn't had time yet to check my squish..
Got a kill switch/tether and made a little progress over the past week or so.


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Going with red plastics, and just started doing wiring.


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you do know that red vehicles get the most speeding tickets :)
Im old so I don't know what fast is ;) ... I wonder why that is with the red cars though?

Dave, yes it finally is. I didnt expect to get into it like this but hey. It keeps me out of trouble ! Somehow i already lost instructions for the kill switch and i admit i realy have no idea on electric things other than maybee puting in a ceiling fan so i still have to figure this out. Do I wire it into the key switch or the shut off switch? I am doing away with the stock light and kill switch.. I will add a light switch later so I don't want to completely do away with the wiring for the lights. Sometimes we ride at night , or even during the day it is nice to have brake lights so someone dont hit me from behind.
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Just a little update. Got my 2 extended brake lines today. Im running 2 lines from the master instead of 1 splitting back into 2. Im still waiting on my dang wrist pin bearings and circlips to show up. They should have been here already. Got rear plastics cut for the cfm airbox, .Also just got in my front master cyl (09yfz450) but cant install lines to the master because im still waiting on my double banjo. << waiting on parts suk.. Im thinking on making my own throttle cable (Terry cable thumb throttle to Lectron carb :D) .. Not much else to update other than waiting.. Cant check my squish for the head to be sent out until bearing arrives. :(
I saw the double brake line from the master instead of a t split. Do you think the lever feel and operation will be better?