Well the wr motor showed up. Let's say this motor build most likely isn't going to happen. It was described as "everything is good and checked over we just haven't heard it run" ..
Well when I took all the plastic wrapping of the motor and all of a sudden chunks of aluminum which looked like pieces of piston started falling on the floor I knew something wasn't right. Indeed it was piston fragments. Pulled the spark plug and it was cacked with pieces of piston.
OK so I pulled the cyl off picked out the pieces I could see and blew sone air through to get out what I could. I just wanted to see if the crank would even spin at this point. So very slowly I rotated the crank and hear this clunk clunk pachunk, clunk. Wtf is that?? Well without getting to into it I noticed an inspection plug on the trans side case cover. I popped it out and see the counter balance gear flopping around and chunks of metal and what appears to be hardened rubber?? With a pick I can move what's left of the counter balance gear up/down all over the place.
So what was supposed to be a "motor in good shape" turns out to be just about completely shot. This sux..