The Raptor Lives!!!

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Well guys im moving right along in the motor build. I have a trip planned this friday to go upstate. I called up bikebandit as they were delievering my parts and asked when theyd be here. They said wednesday! I immediately was pissed! That would only give me a day and a half to work on my motor. Someone must have helped me out because they came saturday! I was SO thrilled to find the parts in my mailbox. I dopped my head off at my dealer yesterday to get my new valve guides installed. So far I have the crank installed, all the bearings/seals, most of the transmission and the counter balancer. I just need to get the shift forks in, double check my tranny gears, install the oil pump then put the 2 cases together. After that is pretty much cake and install the bottom end. I can put the cylinder on as soon as the cases are together. Ill get some pictures today for you guys.
Well guys im moving right along in the motor build. I have a trip planned this friday to go upstate. I called up bikebandit as they were delievering my parts and asked when theyd be here. They said wednesday! I immediately was pissed! That would only give me a day and a half to work on my motor. Someone must have helped me out because they came saturday! I was SO thrilled to find the parts in my mailbox. I dopped my head off at my dealer yesterday to get my new valve guides installed. So far I have the crank installed, all the bearings/seals, most of the transmission and the counter balancer. I just need to get the shift forks in, double check my tranny gears, install the oil pump then put the 2 cases together. After that is pretty much cake and install the bottom end. I can put the cylinder on as soon as the cases are together. Ill get some pictures today for you guys.

nice! the first time i tore into a motor was when i was 12 i think? i helped my friend rebuild his banshee. bikebandit is great.
Just an update. My plans for having it this weekend went down the drain thanks to the dealershit messing up AGAIN!
Either way its almost done. Everything is done, just need to get my head back from getting my new valve guides in. Ill upload some pics in 15 minutes!
Here we go... Let me know what you guys think, and leave the 4 stroke comments to yourselves...



I gotta get a new timing plug to match the dark grey...


I still need to do some little stuff as you can see. Once its all together ill polish it up and take it outside for some good pictures.
Looks great! I love all the blue accents. It's the little stuff that really make it stand out
Just a little update. Of course nothing went as planned. I got my new valve guides pressed in but the dealer didnt like how the valves were meeting the guides. So i orederd all new kibble white valves. They should be at the dealer this week and hopefully have the head back this week! Ill get some more pictures of the motor tomorrow it looks SEXY. Now i just need to find some 660 plastics so i can but on my gytr graphics :)
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