Well guys im moving right along in the motor build. I have a trip planned this friday to go upstate. I called up bikebandit as they were delievering my parts and asked when theyd be here. They said wednesday! I immediately was pissed! That would only give me a day and a half to work on my motor. Someone must have helped me out because they came saturday! I was SO thrilled to find the parts in my mailbox. I dopped my head off at my dealer yesterday to get my new valve guides installed. So far I have the crank installed, all the bearings/seals, most of the transmission and the counter balancer. I just need to get the shift forks in, double check my tranny gears, install the oil pump then put the 2 cases together. After that is pretty much cake and install the bottom end. I can put the cylinder on as soon as the cases are together. Ill get some pictures today for you guys.