The raise your post count thread...

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school sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

enjoy it while you can, once you get out the real world sucks, im on my last year of college and i wish i could go back and go to college again
school sucks? wait til you are working 40 to 60 hrs a week. what is school like 30 hrs a week with like 4 months off with all the vacation time. live it up kids live it up!
yeah but you don't have a truck payment a rent payment an insurance payment and the list just keeps going and going. I mowed yards when I was a kid and had my own money that way. they only way I eat tonight is if I have the money to buy the food. what about you guys?
Took the gayass ski racks off my trooper today, looks 10x I think!!

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