The raise your post count thread...

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haven't ever heard of it.

yeah i have me a gin and tonic every once in a while....usually don't like the first one, the 2nd is ok, but the third one starts to be ok!
never been a tequila guy, unless i'm makin margarita's! lol

i need to get some front wheels for my blaster.....the stockers look so crappy compared to my rear beadlocks
yeah man, i might meet up with some guys on here to go riding in the next few weeks if it all works out...but tearing that POS apart every time it has to go on the porch SUCKS
wow, i just saw a alice cooper concert last night, first of all, the opening band was amazing, they'r called Sacred 13, i will post my youtube vid of them in a min, and second of all, i talked to alice coopers bassist in the middle of the show, he just like kneeled down and asked if i knew how to play this song on bass, i was like.. uhhhh, no.., haha, it was awesome!
yeah man, we have a 2 car garage and my race car is finally in there, but we built it in the driveway, over the course of 40 hours and about a case and a half of mt dew
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