The official What are you buying your blaster this xmas? thread

I already spent $1,800 on it for my senior project as an early Christmas present. If she wants more than she's just a dirty lil' cum slut in my opinion.
For Christmas my Blasty is getting a new re-built bottom end.
I'm ditching the wide ratio IT400 tranny for the close ratio YZ400 gearing- I just like the YZ's better!
Also a new clutch, ball, and clutch rod.
For Christmas my Blasty is getting a new re-built bottom end.
I'm ditching the wide ratio IT400 tranny for the close ratio YZ400 gearing- I just like the YZ's better!
Also a new clutch, ball, and clutch rod.

is that the "special" ceramic ball from getting 1 tooI:II:I