And its only monday!! Well start with the piddly crap than get to the bad part... Internet got shut off saturday morning, knew it was coming because I didn't pay the bill, charter jacked my bill for tv an net up from 77 to 130, an wouldn't work with me, so I'm going to at&t.. To hot to do anything outside, I got my thumb throttle for the R an a air box, but its all of 95 degrees in my garage with. No air flow, so hopefully I can get the throttle swapped later tonight! . Now the bad stuff, my birthday is wesnday, should be a good day right?? Wellll my wifes grand ma passed away sunday morning, the funeral is wesnday morning, lovely way to celibrate my birthday! I get to spend the day comforting my wife,.. Ughh. Hopefully things get better