Tech issue


New Member
Oct 20, 2009
My son damaged his 04 blaster engine beyond repair. I have purchased an 03 engine and after I have replaced the top with the modified one I have noticed that there is no magneto or strater what ever you call it on the engine. Can I use a 04 cdi setup on a 03 engine. The company I have purchased the engine from are sending me over the part for the 03 engine, will it work or do I need to change the cdi aswell.
The VW is work in progress. I will put up some pic's when it's finished.

The blaster hit a rock and drove it up through the bottom of the casing, hitting the crank and bending everything. Crank, con rod, piston and casing all in S**t. Thats racing.Just incase the years are different between Ire and US will 02 wiring be the same or different.

The VW is work in progress. I will put up some pic's when it's finished.

The blaster hit a rock and drove it up through the bottom of the casing, hitting the crank and bending everything. Crank, con rod, piston and casing all in S**t. Thats racing.Just incase the years are different between Ire and US will 02 wiring be the same or different.


its diferent, on 03+ the tors is in the cdi box where as on a 02 and down its a seperate box. and i want to say there is a extra wire on the 03+'s. mabey a frame guard is in order too haha :o. get some pics of that engine if ya can, sounds awesome!
The 03-06 stators are different.The 03-06 has a fifth wire from the stator.You should have no problems swapping them over.Should be a direct swap from 03 to an 04 motor.The 88-02 wiring is different than 03-06 but you can make any harness work just depends how much you would like to cut and splice beacuse all the connections under the hood use different connectors.
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