T.o.r.s. ????


New Member
Mar 29, 2010
from what ive put together the wires coming out of the carb and throttle are called the t.o.r.s, but was wondering what it does/ how it works?
its just a crap system for if you throttle cable sticks open the machine will cut itself out. it works by a weird multi piece throttle hookup in your throttle housing.
Yep. Works great... until it doesn't.

Basically, if one switch is activated while the other isn't (stuck throttle type situation) it kills the ignition and makes it run like crap. Unless you like useless safety gadgets, remove it and never look back.
tors is always the first thing people blame when a blaster isnt running right. personaly i've never had a tors related problem with any of the 4 blasters i've owned. i still have one that i havent taken the tors off of. i only remove them because it makes it easier to work on the carb since you can spin the carb in the boots and open either the top for the needle or the bottom for the jets without taking it the whole way out of the bike.