Swine Flu

^^^only the hip new flu to hit the world!!! lol its a flu that pigs started having and now its spread to us. It's like a normal flu only more dangerous to certain kinds of people. Like if you have asma or something you better becarful.
^^^only the hip new flu to hit the world!!! lol its a flu that pigs started having and now its spread to us. It's like a normal flu only more dangerous to certain kinds of people. Like if you have asma or something you better becarful.

Cool! I can't wait to get it!
screw the swine flu evrybdy thats actually flipping out bout is stupid and i got that same txt last week i thought it was funny
*tightens the straps on his tinfoil hat*
I hope it's not the aliens...

Seriously though, is it any wonder germs and virii are species jumping? mother nature is pissed at us for our advances in medicine and increase in life span. I think this world needs a good holocaust or some sort of epic event to wipe out a random 10 million or so of us to help save the planet.
I ate some bacon for breakfast and pork chops for dinner, I don't feel sick yet though! Oh well, tomorrows another dayI:I
*tightens the straps on his tinfoil hat*
I hope it's not the aliens...

Seriously though, is it any wonder germs and virii are species jumping? mother nature is pissed at us for our advances in medicine and increase in life span. I think this world needs a good holocaust or some sort of epic event to wipe out a random 10 million or so of us to help save the planet.

i agree we do need something to wipe out some ppl i just dnt wanna b one of them lol theres to many ppl in the world its gods way of controling the population were over populated

soon, we'll all be that mad when some biotch eats our last bit of bacon.

funny thing is important bacon + virus outbreak.

will smith must be immune to this to, someone test it.
i agree we do need something to wipe out some ppl i just dnt wanna b one of them lol theres to many ppl in the world its gods way of controling the population were over populated

lets hope it wipes out the asians....its out of control over there!!!
lets hope it wipes out the asians....its out of control over there!!!

The US has a higher reproduction rate of China right now... China's culture is changing. It was the mind set of needing more kids means more rights for the women, thats why the had so many I believe. But since the 90s they had a lot more rights
Oh what the hell, I'll say it... Maybe Hitler was on to something, only he was too selective with choosing a certain race or creed or whatever.

Think about it.
Buffalo herds move the speed of the slowest buffalo. the predators pick off the slowest ones, and the herd speeds up. So killing off a few to protect the herd is a good thing. Now look at the human race. We make all kinds of laws to protect the weak, retarded, handicapped, disabled, mentally challenged, etc... We're doing the opposite of the herd and making our whole species dumber, lazier, slower, and weaker as a result. Maybe killing off a few million of our weaker members of the herd would be a good thing for the herd in general. Toss out a virus to kill off those of us with weak immune systems, or the elderly who are collecting social security (ie free up money the government owes the population) ... the reasons to release such a thing upon the population far outweigh the reasons not to.

I dunno... maybe my Irish-German heritage is showing. I just want to get drunk and stuff ppl in a big oven... lol *shrugs*

*note: the guy making this post is completely intoxicated and should not be held accountable for any silly or offensive banter*
Oh what the hell, I'll say it... Maybe Hitler was on to something, only he was too selective with choosing a certain race or creed or whatever.

Think about it.
Buffalo herds move the speed of the slowest buffalo. the predators pick off the slowest ones, and the herd speeds up. So killing off a few to protect the herd is a good thing. Now look at the human race. We make all kinds of laws to protect the weak, retarded, handicapped, disabled, mentally challenged, etc... We're doing the opposite of the herd and making our whole species dumber, lazier, slower, and weaker as a result. Maybe killing off a few million of our weaker members of the herd would be a good thing for the herd in general. Toss out a virus to kill off those of us with weak immune systems, or the elderly who are collecting social security (ie free up money the government owes the population) ... the reasons to release such a thing upon the population far outweigh the reasons not to.

I dunno... maybe my Irish-German heritage is showing. I just want to get drunk and stuff ppl in a big oven... lol *shrugs*

*note: the guy making this post is completely intoxicated and should not be held accountable for any silly or offensive banter*
harsh, but interesting. i dont know about the whole hitler thing, killing all the jews doesnt seem like it would help anything. think about it, then we wouldn't have adam sandler (one of my favorite actors) or lewis black (pretty much my favorite comedian). and for the record, im half german half italian. no jew in me.

can i put *person writing this is drunk and you shouldnt take anything seriously* then say the swine should kill off every trouble causing black person? maybe theres some freak problem with the sewers in all prisons that weakens the imune system of all the criminals and somehow the swine flu, maybe a more powerful one, was spread there? hmmm 8-|
Just a little background on the Hitler comment from above...
I was 14 when I posed an interesting question to my pastor. What if Hitler was "the scourge of god" sent here to punish the Jews for killing the only (known) son of god?

Think about that one and then read on. Jesus came to spread the word of god and the Jews didn't like what he had to say. So they scourged him, beat him, stoned him, then crucified him. God is a just and fair god, but he also seems to believe in an eye for an eye and will persecute without prejudice. Look at Soddam and Gamore. Stone rain and fiery brimstone because of anal sex. Anyhow, I got side tracked... Oh yes. Since the Jews killed Jesus, God tossed Hitler into the mix and kicked their asses for it. of course, as humans always do, Hitler took things to the extreme and got caught up in the power he had and then decided HE could punish whoever he wanted. The rest is history.

Oh, for the record, I am not looking for any sort of race, creed, or sexual orientation based holocaust. The run of the mill everyone dies kind of scenario is ok. lol

Ok, wait, so swine flu ... Umm... crap, I got nothing. lol
interesting viewpoint i have not heard yet ,but very bad theology and philosphy lol

just a little background on the Hitler comment from above...
I was 14 when I posed an interesting question to my pastor. What if Hitler was "the scourge of god" sent here to punish the Jews for killing the only (known) son of god?

..if your preacher couldnt ansewer this correctly he had no right to call himself a pastor

Think about that one and then read on. Jesus came to spread the word of god and the Jews didn't like what he had to say. So they scourged him, beat him, stoned him, then crucified him. God is a just and fair god, but he also seems to believe in an eye for an eye and will persecute without prejudice.

...well then likewise ,you must have read he is also a loving God and sent Jesus to put an end to Death and make a way out of eternal damnation ,we have freewill but will be accountable at the end.no one gets away from this ,you can get away with alot ..but 10 out of 10 people have to die ,judgement delayed isnt judgement denied .

Look at Soddam and Gamore. Stone rain and fiery brimstone because of anal sex.

..just like any civilization ,they werent destroyed becuase they were having intercoarse the wrong way ..all in all they were destroyed becuase they willfuly rebeled and defied their maker . they did this by making a tower to try to prove they were bigger better than God and didnt require him in their lives and as such recieved their judgement like Rome canninites malikites hittites philestines ect..Nobody goes to hell because they were otherwsie good people who just so happened to belive in the wrong thing ,they will get theirs by having the knowledge of truth yet willfuly rebelling/denying against their creator.

Anyhow, I got side tracked... Oh yes. Since the Jews killed Jesus, God tossed Hitler into the mix and kicked their asses for it. of course, as humans always do, Hitler took things to the extreme and got caught up in the power he had and then decided HE could punish whoever he wanted. The rest is history.

while God does use people and the earth to do his will he would not eradicte his chosen people and when he does its utter annihialtion not just a few million.Also under the covenant(Jesus) they (jews)have a clear choice they can follow him or deny/rebel him and pay the penalty just like all humans do.what good is a robot or puppet to God ?In theory If he used Hitler he could then control Hitler and limit his power and infulence. also it is fair to say if you beleive he spoke the universe into existence it would not be a far stretch to say he could easily wipe out an entire mass of people without the aid of a guy named hitler or even a pandemic for that matter and it would be done with just a blink of an eye.But once again we have free will in a fallen world so evil is an option and a common choice so theres no lack of takers.

Oh, for the record, I am not looking for any sort of race, creed, or sexual orientation based holocaust. The run of the mill everyone dies kind of scenario is ok. lol

......Hitlers was an old idea spinoff of something called "eugenics" and "genocide"and is firmly based in secular humanism . evolution says nothing matters ,man is just an evolving sexual farm animal its survival of the fittest (in his case ariens were the fittest)and there is no right or wrong ,no justice, you are your own God ,nothing has any meaning.no moral code/law of reference ,your family doesnt matter ,your loved ones and friends dont matter, everything in existance means zilch!

Ok, wait, so swine flu ... Umm... crap, I got nothing. lol

......at this point swine flu is over exagerated to put people in fear
read any histroy book and youll find people in fear are easy to control
LOL. wow, I was drunk... Umm feel free to remove my last few posts and I'll go hang my hung over head in shame. lol

no harm done ..but now that your sober let my post sink in and think about it some .;)