supporting member??


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Edmonton, Ab
I was just wondering why i haven't gotten the supporting member logo under my picture? I donated the $10 to become a supporting member but got 2 gold bars instead? is this normal?
yeah you just donated to the site you have to click on the supporting member tab under mine or whittys screen name then it will be 10 bucks but just talk to blasterfreak he will fix ya up
So I'm just curious. When you become a supporting member is you name supposed to change to green by itself or do one of the admins have to do it for you?
u can turn ur own name green...go into ur user cp...down to group memberships and add urself to the supporters

and thanx for supporting the site guys..have some green
I have been a member here for bout 8 months now and just recently became a supporting member too. I have gotten all of my questions answered and have learned alot by just coming here. I beleive 10 dollars is for a supporting member is a no brainer since this IS THE BEST FORUM OUT THERE.
How did you get the supporting member thing fixed i did the samething you did i donated the money and got gold bars instead of the supporting member icon
i shold be a supportg member by ext weekend,even though i dont have a blasty you guys still help me out with my 4 poke apart from a few ******* :p