summer school


TT/Flat Track Racer
Nov 30, 2008
i had to take summer school this year and it sucks sucked because of the work and the kid that was calling me gay and saying crap like that telling everyone cause he thinks it makes him look cool so i told his girlfriend that i was gonna hit him in the face today she said i dont care so as we walked to go get our breakfast i saw him and turned around and hit him good in the face then turned back around and kept walking and his little friends went and told so i thought its not so bad i will get outta summer school went all day and didnt even get a talk about hitting him made me kinda mad lol but i cant find out what if funnier hitting someone in the face and not getting in trouble or everyone knowing got hit by a girl so now aka my cousin walks with a bunch of girls to keep from getting hit again

just thought i would share i thought it was a good laugh for the day
sucks. summer school would suck. buddy of mine knocked a kid in the face a couple weeks ago. cracked his nose, blood everywhere. he was a big chirp and the friday before me and my friends(one of which was the guy who knocked him) were chillin outside and these f*ckers came up to us, one kid was drunk and he was chirpin my friend then the kid that got knocked was up beside him like "yeah faggot" and kept pushing him. so monday, walked up to him "what the f*ck was that friday faggot" waited a second then cranked him square in the face. kid drops and rolls to the side. 1 hit ko. f*cking great. my friends a lefty and from the angle he was standing, he just got the most direct hit ever. he was told if he hit him twice, woulda been expelled, broken his nose(bodily injury) he woulda been expelled but because he just got f*cked and nothing to bad, 5 days out of school. hes crazy and his parents didnt even care its hilarous. he went to get some new kicks right after he was done talking to the principal that day lol.
sucks. summer school would suck. buddy of mine knocked a kid in the face a couple weeks ago. cracked his nose, blood everywhere. he was a big chirp and the friday before me and my friends(one of which was the guy who knocked him) were chillin outside and these f*ckers came up to us, one kid was drunk and he was chirpin my friend then the kid that got knocked was up beside him like "yeah faggot" and kept pushing him. so monday, walked up to him "what the f*ck was that friday faggot" waited a second then cranked him square in the face. kid drops and rolls to the side. 1 hit ko. f*cking great. my friends a lefty and from the angle he was standing, he just got the most direct hit ever. he was told if he hit him twice, woulda been expelled, broken his nose(bodily injury) he woulda been expelled but because he just got f*cked and nothing to bad, 5 days out of school. hes crazy and his parents didnt even care its hilarous. he went to get some new kicks right after he was done talking to the principal that day lol.

hahaha thats the best thing I've heard this week.
forgot to add, this was before first period even started, up stairs, in the school halls lol. he was infront of all his faggot friends too, it was great.
I was about to help my buddy beat up a kid today for punching his GF in the face, spitting on her and burning her with a cig. It pissed me off cuz she's really nice and I like her and he is such a douche. He thinks he's such a hardass. I'm going to wear the 13 steel toes tomorrow and give him what he deserves, might make meself a set of brass knuckles out of a bike chain.
u guys r crazy... the only thing i have done was dislocated my knuckle when i punched one of my own friends in the fce....we were ballin in gym and he kept talking crap and he fell and i laughed at him and he charged me and as soon as a saw that i started swinging...hit in the face 3 times and he ranoff a couple feet and circled me and then went to a different court to ball...on of my black friends was talkin to this kid and he was like man u just got stole on by him(me) and u ran away u pussy...ahahah moral of the story, even u best friends can be ur enemies...but me and him r cool now
damn the only thing i ever did in high school was bust this kid in the face with a basketball then some kids picked me up and i got a great kick to the side of his head in
back in grade 7, someone tossed me on the ground then this one kid that was playin some wall ball game or some sh*t, hated he kid he hated me too right, so when im down gettin abck up, he runs over kicks dirt in my face and is like FAGGOT so i get up dust myself off for a sec, walk over to him, hes facin the wall and im like hey MITCH, faggot. as soon as he turns around i f*cking smash him in the face. maybe you can call it a cheap shot but epic as f*ck lol.

also got into a scrap in my classroom, again grade 7, came in late from recess, this kid was chirping and the rest of the class, minus us like 5, so im like I love you faggot lets go right now, go at it, i get one on his face pretty quick, obviously not hard enough and he goes back at me and it was a pretty good old school fight. i got a black eye, he was pretty bad. both were out of school for a week lol.

another one grade 8(bad year, moved down to this sh*t hole, pissed off all year lol) this kid was pissing me all day. long story short, he sprayed me with half a bottle of water out the back door of the school, he ran, i kept walking and when i got to the front corner, he did it again and i tweaked, dropped my bag, ran at him he dropped the bottle and i smashed him into the fence and punched him right in the face. he was this f*cking fat black kid, supposebly he had a black belt but obviously sucked because he didnt do sh*t. later on, like a couple weeks later(when his black eye went away lol) was gettin all pissy and wanted to fight me, so we went at it at the top of my street. didnt last long before one of the secratarys drove by and tweaked on us and called the cops so we just dipped. we both got some hits in but hes still slow as f*ck and cant hit very hard.

man ive got so many fight stories i aint typing anymore. short one, a friend was pissing me off, we always fought right, so i punched him in the face and he went at me HARD lol, he was like 50 lbs more than me and like 5" taller, big f*cker, that was stupid but we were chills after that cuz hes like you acualy f*cking hit me lol.
maybe i posted to much, makes it look like im hella full of sh*t lol. im not, but i can see a fight thread filling up with lots of bs. sorry.
haha that reminds me of the time that I popped my bestfriend in the face. I was playing some arcade game at an arcade (don't be mistaken this happens about once every two years that I go to an arcade) so hes like poking me and sh*t while I'm trying to play. So I turn around throw a punch and the turn back around. He takes it Sighs, then pops me right in the jaw. Knocked my tooth out. Lmao.