

Nov 21, 2008
in a small quiet town
well im looking into getting a 4x4 quad since i live in the swamp.. lol
what 4x4 are favored by you guys..
when it xome the the 4x4's im partial to honda's only cause my old grizzley let me down a few times with the belt drive .. any info would be great..
kawi brute force 750fi, hands down. my rideing buddie has one and befoe he bought it he looked at alllll the 4x4's and went with the brute. it hauls ass (speedo cuts out at 72mph i belive) and you wanna talk about doing what you want where you want.... lol I:I
the grizly let me down a bunch of times.. i had to get pulled out by a honda.. damn i hate when that happens.. but if you cant beat em...
dont get me wrong the 2strokes i stick to my yamaha's..
Bruteforce 750 is probably one of the best. I knew a guy that had one and it would go anywhere and everywhere
That thread was created on August 01, 2009. so im not sure if he will still have it. But that quad looks like a beast

yea didnt see that at first.. id like to get a 4x4 .
so so far im looking at the brute force and rincon. unless theres more suggestions. also what would you consider alot of hrs or miles on one of these?
660 grizz arent nearly as good as the 700 grizz. the arctic cat 800 is a bad machine...thats what i would do. plus arctic cat is a us company if i remember does their engines tho. at least thats how the sleds work...and a few past quads..

renegades are ok. ive seen a 660 grizz go thru some sh*t!!! do some research see what guys are using for mudbog comps and such....lotta those guys use tractor tires
I like our foreman 450es. Its been a very well rounded quad. Plows our snow, pulls cars around, and tows me home when I seize my bikes.
Its not the most powerful or biggest but they last forever and its plenty capable.
