Stock prices: VERY interesting

Mar 29, 2007
my friend mentioned to me this past tuesday about a certain stock he was watching. we discussed it, and i've been addicted to watching certain stocks ever since. i noticed a trend (obviously) how everything came crashing down last oct/nov, leveled out and even gained some, then hit the bottom around march 6-7. since then, stock prices have risen for the most part except for yesterday and today. here are some examples:


the DJIA for the past 6 months


Ford Motor Co. for the past 3 Months


Starbucks, for the past 3 months

here is the interesting part; take a look at share prices for Sturm, Ruger & Co (the only American firearms manufacturer with stocks) for the past 3 months.


their share prices began to skyrocket right before the rest of the market hit bottom. looks like everyone is buying guns, and nothing else.

i tried to get my gun salesman to get me a Browning 22A to play around with: he tried from several of his suppliers, they are all out, and he has a number of pistols on backorder from various suppliers and manufacturers, i believe somewhere in the range of 50 pistols, and no one has any idea when they will be coming back into supply. idk about you, but i'm buying stock in Ruger.
Stocks are interesting. This economy sucks! I bet people are buying up on guns because obama is going to ban them for what ive heard.
Stocks are interesting. This economy sucks! I bet people are buying up on guns because obama is going to ban them for what ive heard.

yup. ammo price increase in the neighborhood of 500%, outlaw ar-15's, 1911's, etc (any semi-auto with removable mag.)

makes a man wonder how he got elected president, why he hasn't been shot, and perhaps the answer is the ignorance of the general populous...

educate yourself people, knowledge is the only thing they can't take away from you.
hes not banning guns, hes banning certain ones, like anything that will hold more than 5 bullets won't be allowed, you can keep the ones you have but you won't be able to buy them if this law goes into affect, ar 15 lowers are a hot ticket, because once his law comes into affect, they will go up to about a grand a piece which right now they are laround a hundred.
your right- to a point. its just a start. ever hear about the frog and the boiling water?

if you take a frog and throw him in a pot of boiling water, he'll jump right out and save himself. but if you put a frog in a pot of cool water and slowly add heat, he will stay there till he boils to death.

what it means is if obama (or anyone else for that matter) tried to take away guns all at once, he would surely be shot, or the bill simply would not go through. but if he starts with semi's, then progresses slowly and adds more laws which takes more guns away, eventually he can take them all, then rule with an iron fist, because the people cannot defend themselves.

get out your history book children, it's been done plenty before.

i've said it before, outlawing guns will not make us safer, it will only make us defenseless.

Ben Franklin said it best, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"
well put, i could not agree more, and i have heard that before. and i think he will try but will not succeed, no one is dumb enough to let that happen.
a bill has to go through a alot before it can be passed just cause the "president" signs a bill doesnt mean it will be taken into effect
Not going to comment on the thread, but we all know how political threads have gone in the past....keep this one nice and it will stay open...take advantage of the fact that I am not closing it right now and it will get closed and infractions given.

Your favorite Moderator
well put, i could not agree more, and i have heard that before. and i think he will try but will not succeed, no one is dumb enough to let that happen.

ya.... lemme tell ya a story.

my platoon sgt. just got back from iraq about 3 months ago. he said he never heard his translator swear the entire time he was over there until the day after the election, when they heard Obama was going to be our president. "You Americans are f***ing stupid! You elected a f***ing black muslim as your president! Your all F***ing stupid!" was his instant reply.

just in case you all are completely ignorant, we fought wars against communism. It is now beginning to take over our land, and we are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

sorry fabb.
Go buy some 9mm ammo tell me how that works out. Everything is sold out here. Everything gun related has been sky rocking for the last 6-12 months. Try buying an ar-15. Gunbroker is your only choice. To make things worse if you support Ron Paul, Bob Barr or the US constitution you are now considered a terrorist. How does that make you guys feel?
Even if Obama was somehow able to ban all guns in the U.S. all that is going to do is raise the rate of illegal firearms being sold. I think Obama wants to ban guns because he is scared that if things go bad that the people will once again rise up and take over like they did when this country was founded. Then again maybe that is what this country needs. We don't need anymore of these backwards corrupt politicians taking us down. The reason the economy is bad is because the politicians and corporate leaders don't give a damn about the people, they only care about how they can put more money into their own pockets.
Even if Obama was somehow able to ban all guns in the U.S. all that is going to do is raise the rate of illegal firearms being sold. I think Obama wants to ban guns because he is scared that if things go bad that the people will once again rise up and take over like they did when this country was founded. Then again maybe that is what this country needs. We don't need anymore of these backwards corrupt politicians taking us down. The reason the economy is bad is because the politicians and corporate leaders don't give a damn about the people, they only care about how they can put more money into their own pockets.

BINGO!! oh you know instead of giving the military and the troops more money they gave themselves more money, i think it was a bonus of 175,000 dollars, and our family members get 400,000 if we die, you know what the people from 9/11 are getting from their family members dying? MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, but my bretheren over in IRAQ,KUWAIT,AFGHANISTAN make measley 2 grand a month(depending on rank) and putting their lives on the line, and if they get hurt, 400,00 goes to their families, now imo, i think the ones in iraq, their families should be getting the millions, not people that weren't even directly affected by 9/11, now the firefighters and police, yes, but not people that worked there, their families don't deserve MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! that money should be going to the troops, to give them support when they come back, seek the physical and medical attention they need to help them get through all the mental problems they endure after seeing the sh*t they have seen. like i said, imo
well this "crisis" were in is all because of greed, it ruins people, all the money for the oil, and the cost of the war, at first it was to catch osama, now were pretty much peace keepers over there, teaching them to fight for themselves, nothing has changed in thousands of years, it never will. someone needs help we will always be the first to go in there guns a blazin.
haha. starbucks and the iphone will rule the world! yeah, if i had the money to throw into gun stocks i would let it sit for about a year, right before it plummets, pull out!