my lrd pipe is packing is blown out, has anybody ever packed it with steel wool before? my uncle is like a master mechanic he says to use that but has anybody ever used it? if yes how does it work?
cool cooldirtyblaster said:i'm going to test it in a week or so i hope then i'll tell you how it worked
thats cooldirtyblaster said:it worked way better that that crappy packing that you buy, but some pieces are coming out right now so i reccomend put 3 blue strips of masking tape around the packing so it does not blow out, after all it sounds great!
Anyone know what happens when you put a match to steel wool?
I use Owens Corning fiberglass insulation.
ancient thread lol. if you want to know how to pack with steel wool there is a thread in the DIY section
the steel wool should not light when you put a match to it. Pretty much the only way to light steel wool is put some sort of electrical charge to it.[/Qyou couldnt be more wrong lol any electical charge or open flame spark and thing will set it off and is very hard to stop