spare parts lookin for new home

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Staff member
Jan 30, 2009
pm me if interested, i wont be checking this thread

front hydro line set-up................
banshee complete....newer lever, master (polished lid) and main line,
coupled to a rappy660 splitter w/ bracket to mount, and both lower lines to caliper, these also have the rappy clip/protectors that attach to the a-arm, no clamps/ty-raps needed for the lines
worked good for me for over 2 years,
add shee/rappy/yfz calipers and norms spindles for front hydro's, will be cleaned spotless before shipping
$35 shipped..................

03+ clutch lever with working e-brake mechanism for the e-brake cable, missing bar clamp and screws
$10 shipped.................

still have 1..... 14t "primary drive" front sprocket, like new, used one ride. no package or decal, that one sold to dually
$10 shipped.................

and a pair of shorty levers for 88-02 cable brake blasters, good condition, used on my sons bike 1 season
$15 shipped.....................
hmmmm could use a shorty lever for my front brakes what ya want for pick up old man :p

you mean delivery not pickup,
and i'm not splitting the 2 up like bastard step children,
they go as a pair, and shipping was only gonna be a few bucks, non priority, do the math

PM sent on sprocket.

pm sent, sprocket is yours bro, pm me shipping info
ok then il take the two and give em a good polish 10$ for the two little bastards and your leakdown tester back ? lol

that'll work, just for you, i'll holler when i'm comin out that way in the next few days
the kicker springs and balls are in also, 2 sets sold, 4 sets left, who else egged me on to buy these things ???????
$5 a set and your kicker will no longer beat the hell out of your shin !!!!!!
pm me if interested, i wont be checking this thread

first sentence in this thread
and sorry i didnt update this thread, as this was the third try at sellin some of this stuff

shorty levers sold
14t sprockets sold

and i also sold just the banshee master from the complete front line setup
still have the top line/splitter and rappy lines with line covers that hold them to the a-arms
$15 shipped, you'll need a master, i paid $20 for both my masters
thanx luni, ships out today

all sold except stock 03+ clutch lever/perch
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