Some Pictures Of Quad Back Together.

May 18, 2012
Hi here are some pictures of quad back together after fitting piston about 2-3 weeks ago and just to put chain on and im ready to go :) also pictures of the horsebox il be buying tomorrow night to transport it



tried to paint it white but didn't work so just leaving the other ones blue still to take this off :p



Horse Box Im Swapping Go Pro For Tomorrow




quads running just to put chain on and run it in. horsebox seems solid just to replace the mudguard as its broken and later on rewood the inside. but should be good for quad fitting and all ma kit :)
Looks good. I like the shock covers and that's a good deal on that trailer

thanks dude! yeah the shock covers were £25. around $35. and yeah the trailer is going to be good once im done with it :) going to re line the wood inside and get the outside painted blue with monster energy design on it :) not just now though as im saving for another blaster but once i get about £200 il get it done. but guy has a yamaha raptor for sale as hes going back to a crf 450 bike so he is selling the horsebox. i was buying it for £150 but i decided to ask him to swap me for my go pro and he said yes as he has always wanted one.
Man, what a quad transporter, room for a quad, tools, bed, kitchen sink, pool table and bar.

You could live in that thing!I:I
Man, what a quad transporter, room for a quad, tools, bed, kitchen sink, pool table and bar.

You could live in that thing!I:I

totally dude!lol im reselling it as i won't be able to get van all the time to tow it. so i want a quad trailer to use my grandads car to tow it but i am not passing on this offer of a swap for a go pro as i can re sell this for triple of what my go pro is worth once i get new wood and new mudguard.
If only there were not a pond and a strip of dirt between us.

I drool looking at it, but lets face reality, my 1.6 litre Turbo, convertible just would not stop with that behind it.
If only there were not a pond and a strip of dirt between us.

I drool looking at it, but lets face reality, my 1.6 litre Turbo, convertible just would not stop with that behind it.

yeah man lol ma gran has a 1.2 petrol but ma grandad is buying a diesel to tow ma quad trailer after i sell this but at least il get up to track with quad soon that i have transport lol :)
Looks good James, and I look forward to see pics of the trailer once its done... oh that remind me we forgot to pick our new trailer up today, we had it specially built for all the quads and crap...
Looks good James, and I look forward to see pics of the trailer once its done... oh that remind me we forgot to pick our new trailer up today, we had it specially built for all the quads and crap...

thanks man :p ah i see :) im not entirely sure if im getting anything done to horsebox as im thinking of just getting a new mudguard and new wood inside then selling it as was lookin on ebay and theres a similiar one on there for £800. so if i sell it was going to keep 200 a side for a proper trailer and use rest on ma nerf bars and plastics :D