

Rippin' Hard
Jul 22, 2012
dickinson ND
well for anyone who hasn't tried, don't bother taking a blaster into a foot of fresh snowy powder....... its no fun you can barely move forward

i may be out there tomorrow playing on the big piles i just made with the truck.....

happy snowmobiling for those that have them and are getting lots of snow
well ya'll may just got storm nemo.

we got storm orko.
haha. so far 8 inches in 5 hours, at my gfs place, 6 inches in less then 3 hours at work(they called and forced me to go home)
and at home we got about 6 inches. all fresh pow.
the terrible thing. wind is spose to get to 40mph tonight. flatland+no trees+40mph wind = hell on earth.
yeah im from mn, idk why i tried to go out and ride again..... i got thrown off, thought it was gunna drive right on me, then i got stuck like six times, fought it back to the garage and parked it

stupid snow, cant even snowboard in this much on my hill way too deep
hahaha, sounds like a good time, I want to get some fuggin snow here in md, we always get the little sh*t and by the next day its gone, I have only had one snowball fight this yr...
i have no snowmobile.....used to traded for a 4 wheeler yrs ago, yeah we got a foot of snow today with 8 inches under that from before, guess i'm done riding til the snows is gone
right now, here in ada (northern minn) our wind is hitting 20, gusting at 29. there is a 3 ft drift behind my jeep, all powder............... :D
yea same here in ohio its supposed to be 38 tmro and 44 wed and 49 thurs then back to 28 friday 26 sat and 37sunday it's been like this for us the past 2 months everyother week
Sleds are a Blast. I rode from friday night to sunday night stopping to eat and sleep.AND 110 on the snow is fun, i only do it on lakes tho.
Gotta have something for all weather possibilities,Helps greatly with depression.
before we got blasters we had 2 4x4 four wheelers, id go out and get em stuck so it was tail lights and handle bars sticking out...... apparently if u hit drifts fast enough u just stick it right into it :D

i snowboard in the winter.... so i have that to do