small rant.

I think that everyone in America should own their own buisness for 1 year. Just to experience the joy of paying insurance, workers comp, unemployment comp, health insurance, business taxes, wages, utilities and other fabulous items that go up in cost without hesitation. My hope is that after that 1 year of excitement, they take have a little more respect for their job and their employer for having to deal with the things that we don't consider when cashing that paycheck or complaining about shipping costs.

If there weren't those businesses out there doing the shipping thing, we would be bitching about the horse is slow that is bringing our mail.
This is the box it came in.
the box i got mine in was bigger!
How do you think I feel trying to get my Blaster going on a tight budget and have to pay $10 shipping on top of a $35 item that could fit in my back pocket?
I think that everyone in America should own their own buisness for 1 year. Just to experience the joy of paying insurance, workers comp, unemployment comp, health insurance, business taxes, wages, utilities and other fabulous items that go up in cost without hesitation. My hope is that after that 1 year of excitement, they take have a little more respect for their job and their employer for having to deal with the things that we don't consider when cashing that paycheck or complaining about shipping costs.

If there weren't those businesses out there doing the shipping thing, we would be bitching about the horse is slow that is bringing our mail.

Ahh poor buisinesses! That's the reason the economy is so screwed up because buisinesses want to make more profit but give sub standard service, increase there profit (wallet) while us comsumers are the ones that get screwed. Very few buisinesses out there are the exception. If you charge a comsumer $40 for an item you get for $25 and on top of that charge another 10-20 bucks to ship it whn it cost $6 you just trippled your wallet, and seeing as how you didn't need to have as many employees now that your serivce is electronic (as we all know that the largest employer expense is salaries and employee insurance), you just saved money at the same time overcharged for your service and the consumer is screwed, having to pay almost double the price and double the shipping cost! Rediculous!

I am in Management (don't own the buisiness) but know what it takes to run one, been there for over 20 years. Some things you can't control, agreed, but some you can , and when [or I should say] If the buisnesses ever get there heads out of there asses long enough to realize just because there is a high demand for the item they are selling doesn't mean they need to jack the cost up! it's not costing then any more in fact it is probably less as now you are buying more bulk- They would make more of a profit by selling more items for cheaper cost the word of mouth to others generates way more profit!

Oil companies are perfect examples of this! Greedy, selfish rich bastards!
dont get me started on the oil companies.... oh boy thats a whole thread in its own!!! but things like demon are talking about is ridiculous, just like when u order stuff of of ebay, look at some of the shipping costs they have for the item, its really ridiculous, manipulating the system so they dont have to pay bigger fees when it sells.