Should I Buy?

May 18, 2012
Hi so iv been offered a blaster. its a full racing one wider a arms,powdercoated frame,carbon fibre reeds the guy is willing to swap me for my blaster and £100/$200 . i don't mind the work. (guy said it kicks but he said the piston rings are damaged.
All Depends on the Condition of the top end , If it were me , I would Ask the owner if you can pull the head off to look into the Cylinder !

to be honest bud my blaster isn't working properly the powerband isn't engaging. il be happy to spend £300/$450 on it or more as its got most of the things i wanted for mine. and it saves me spending on mine for to sell it then buy another one. im getting pictures tomorrow so il upload them
You're taking a big chance with that trade. But, with £100 cash thrown in on the deal, you may get what you need to fix it up right there.

Personally, Id want to see the quad he has up for offer in person, test the compression, check the frame for bends, look for bad bearings in the rear end, etc... If everything checks out and you are willing to take a chance on it...its up to you. I don't think Id make the trade unless he was willing to put more cash with the deal. Its too easy to wind up with an engine that has a broken piston skirt, cracked cases, etc. Then what was supposed to be a simple top-end jobhas turned into a full-on engine rebuild.
You're taking a big chance with that trade. But, with £100 cash thrown in on the deal, you may get what you need to fix it up right there.

Personally, Id want to see the quad he has up for offer in person, test the compression, check the frame for bends, look for bad bearings in the rear end, etc... If everything checks out and you are willing to take a chance on it...its up to you. I don't think Id make the trade unless he was willing to put more cash with the deal. Its too easy to wind up with an engine that has a broken piston skirt, cracked cases, etc. Then what was supposed to be a simple top-end jobhas turned into a full-on engine rebuild.

yeah mate i know what you mean. i might offer him my yz and 100 cash as the yz is needing work and maybe i can salvage parts of the guys blaster for mine
Sounds risky !

You know what you have, what it needs !

You dont know what this one needs ! Id only do that deal, with taking the cylinder head off and taking a look at things !

You likely will need more than just a hone and rings, is it out of spec ?

Is the crank bearings out of spec ? seems of, if his is such a ripper, that he would do a swap plus some cash for yours ! and yours needs work and is mostly stock.

Sounds like he knows something, you dont.
Sounds risky !

You know what you have, what it needs !

You dont know what this one needs ! Id only do that deal, with taking the cylinder head off and taking a look at things !

You likely will need more than just a hone and rings, is it out of spec ?

Is the crank bearings out of spec ? seems of, if his is such a ripper, that he would do a swap plus some cash for yours ! and yours needs work and is mostly stock.

Sounds like he knows something, you dont.

yeah sporty i was thinking that.. i will see pics tomorrow and il offer him my yz and cash for it as if it comes to it il just stick my engine in his frame and using the wider arms etc and his motor for spare.
so the guy sent me pictures. its a 2005 or a 2006 model limited edition black with red frame. hydro brakes,Reiger shocks,nerf bars,renthal handlebars,fmf exhaust(i think) wider a arms, aftermarket bumper. im going for the deal with my Yz 125 1990 (non runner and 100 cash his way.) cheap as for that over here in the uk. blaster engine needs piston and rings but il just put my engine in it for now.
Lets see the pics




That Blaster is fairly nice, but Ive seen better. The hydraulic brakes are a huge improvement over earlier-model cable drums, and I like the shocks and front end, but the left side is either out of alignment or bent in the pics. Looks like it was ridden hard at some point. Id say if you can trade away the YZ, its worth a shot. Id be slow to get rid of your existing Blaster.

BTW, here in the States, a 'title' for an ATV is like a deed to a plot of land. It is the document which shows legal ownership of the machine. Most states here require you to have one, and its a good document to have, even if its not mandatory, in case the quad gets stolen.
In the UK we rarely get titles unless it's a fairly new quad... we do sometimes write receipts basically saying this person paid for it etc incase they get stopped with it on the way home.. but anyone can write it and ive had one written before then gothome to find out it was stolen anyway.