should i also trade and could i race with it

well the guy says its bored 60 over in the add so obviously you can bore it lol.
i say get it and get ready for a good ride you can race it and you will be racing with the 450s
id pick it up i really dont thing the cr suspension is any better than the yz until they went to the 2 valve setup front forks i forgot the 1st year but they are also a pain in the ass to rebuild if you try to do them yourself... yes you can bore the nikasil cylinders mine was
what are you trading? i wouldnt pay a dime over 1200 for it. braggin that it was bored .60 over and saying it had aftermarket gears means the owner isnt that bright which means it was probably neglected maintwise. btw guys, any bike can be bored, if it is nikasil plated and you want to do it right you simply just get it renikasiled.
i say grab it my blaster has a ni8kisal cylinder and i can bore it and if i bore all the way out i buy a piston send it to a place and they re nikisal it and its like 120 dollars so i would do it and its not like u cant change the suspension down the road, and the 250s suspension is both perty good between cr and yz i mean, and also the rules idk if the changed but a 2 stroke 250 and a 4 stroke 450 are basically the same horse power so the race them together but if they race the 250 4 stroke it would get owned indeffinatly