Selling a Blaster???


New Member
Dec 6, 2008
Hey guys, first of all this is not an attempt at getting around not being able to use the classified due to not having enough post. I am not trying to sell my son's Blaster here, just doing some research as to why it has not sold. Seeing as I am selling local pick-up only I don't think that should be an issue.

Okay, down to the issue. I am trying to sell my son's 06 Blaster with zero luck and I am a bit confused as to why there is little to no interest. I am hoping you guys can tell me if I am over priced. Here is a little about the Blaster;

Airsal 200cc National cylinder kit with MX port job(this is a totally different engine than found on stock Blasters with redesigned ports)
Head milled and re chambered for higher compression(quad must use at least 93 octane and if racing I recommend race fuel)
LRD pipe and silencer
35mm Kehin Airstryker carb.
K&N filter with modified airbox
After market bumper and grab bar
Nerf Bars
Project Blaster race plastics
Renthal Bars and Sprockets
4.5" wider than stock front and rear
Maxxis MX Razrs front and rear(the rear are pretty close to needing replaced)
Factory 7 barkbusters

I am asking $2200 obo and not getting any responses, is this to much? It is a very nice Blaster in great shape with very little time on the Airsol kit.
In my opinion you are asking too much most blasters will sell around 1500 and cheaper
Plus a lot of people tend to stay away from race built bikes because most are just recreational riders
i agree, that's a pretty fair price, very stockish bikes are selling for 1500-1800 here can't build something like that for that money either
In my opinion you are asking too much most blasters will sell around 1500 and cheaper
Plus a lot of people tend to stay away from race built bikes because most are just recreational riders

Well most blasters arent made to race anyway... but most people do tend to stay away from racy looking bikes cuz they fear they have been raced; beat on. its actually prolly what you have done to it thats keeping you from selling it. Ive seen super clean stock blasters go in a day where as the race built ones will stay up on cl for weeks on end, and the built bike is the same price or cheaper!

PS pics please I:I
Honestly a part out might be a better route the hydro brakes and the motor alone could get you close to a grand but for an outright sell 1500 is about all you will get
Yes, it sucks but the market for built blasters isn't there. I tried selling mine for less than what your asking and couldnt get it. If somebody wanted to build a copy of mine they are probably spending $15,000. So it's not what you have into it or whats done to it, it's what people have to spend to buy it. Unfortunatly with blasters, thats not much.
if i had 2000 id probably buy it. i found a 2002 blaster bore .40 over, everything extended for 800 bucks...
i dont think its that bad of a price with those mods...and as said , u will never get back what u put into almost in 10,000 g's on all the stuff i have gotten for my be lucky to get 2500 for it
your price is not bad at all for waht you have done to it bu tlike others have said i wouldnt want it because i would figure it has been raced and is beat.
Thanks for the info guys. I guess I will lower the price to $1500 and hope it sells, if not it is going in storage. I would enjoy watching it burn more than selling it for less than $1500.
yea thats a good price, if i was you i would put the quad back to stock or pretty close to stock, and i am sure you could sell it quick then you could sell the mods.stock blaster seem to sell faster then modded ones unless they are looking to buy a modded bike.


Here are a couple of pictures of the quad.