Sellin The POS


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Annapolis Valley NS Canada
its junk i knew polaris sucked but i didnt think this bad. so far it pulls hard right when the 4wd kicks in or left depends i guess i have no idea y it does this. it ejected me the other day at high speed because of this:o still hurts like hell got this funky rib hold in place wrap on me. chain keeps falling off of completly perfect straight sprockets, i think thats it

the nice thing about me trading my blaster for it is they sell for around 3000 while blasters only sell for around 1500 plus blaster didnt have papers and this does.

so basically im hoping to pay my fine get my lisence back get a cheap vehice and pay INSURANCE this time and get another blasterI:I
Check the front wheel bearings, they may be loose if the electric hubs aren't engaging at the same time, how much slop is in the chain? it may be stretched out?
my friend has one and its not that bad. i wouldnt get one though, i just dont care for them. but he told me your not supposed to drive fast in the 4wd
a scrambler isnt all that bad we had one and it ran fine and was awesome piped and clutched pulled like 30 some odd hp and ran good you must have no luck
The main problems with polaris is that Polaris got it's start making farm tractors, and they have tried to integrate their knowledge of farm tractors into their atv's...weell this doesn't work very well. totally different usage of the two products.

and perhaps the biggest problem is that Polaris is not american made.
Polaris is co-owned by fuji heavy industries which means most of the parts are made in china. like the little chinese atv's you see in gas station parking lots selling dirt cheap.

Polaris stamps most of their parts "made in usa" knowing they are made in china.
I have seen Polaris case halves stamped made in usa on the outside, but stamped "fuji heavy industries" on the inside.

couple that with the fact that Polaris' own co-founder went on the record saying "if we made 400 machines we got back 500" when asked about their continuing recalls.

heres how polaris stacks up against honda and yamaha

polaris: 16 recalls since 1999 and alot of them on current models.

Honda: 9 recalls since 1999 and none of them on current models.

YAMAHA: 4 recalls since 1999 and none of them on current models.

looks like Yamaha knows how to build a good atv.
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a friend of mine has a polaris scrambler 400 with on demand 4 wheel drive, and my sons Stock blaster (well the only mod to it is the 4 degree timing advance) but my sons stock blaster made it look like it backing up. you just can't get any real top speed out of the pvt transmission on a polaris no matter what size the engine is.

i have never cared for polaris, i have owned one that i bought new (a polaris trailboss 250) and i sold it pretty quickly. it wouldn't stay running.
or the brake pads wore out on it in no time, and they are $45.00 a set.
Got a blaster and have been riding without problems ever since.

plus if you read all of the recalls on polaris they aren't your usual run of the mill recalls, they are pretty bad.

one was for the steering stem breaking while riding causing you to lose control, another was for the transmission bolts backing out while riding it, causing the transmission to lock up suddenly.

another was for the brake calipers falling off while riding.

just too many defects that could seriously hurt or kill someone.

personally i'd rather spend time riding and not be laid up in the hospital because the atv i was riding fell apart.
I think the only thing Polaris is good at is building sleds and Rangers. They should drop eveything else and just focus on those two. I know of very few people who have Polaris quads, and like them. One of our employees has 2. He rolled one and hurt it bad, and his other one always needs work. He said they are just tippy and junk. Ive heard of people having problems with the new Predators also, stuff breaking. You look at the sleds and the only problem they are having is the new 800 wont last long, they are just blowing up constantly. We have a 08 700 EFI ranger XP, and its pretty nice. So far we have had no problems with it, and it does everything we want it to. The only thing i hate is the way it idles and constantly sounds like its bogging. They just cant get their quads built good.
Let thee Polamis rest in peace....after its pushed off a cliff...while on it falls into the deep abyss.