school and work computers


New Member
Apr 22, 2009
little hick town in Ontario, Canada
i think i have figured out how to get on any website even if its blocked. not 100% sure on this one so dont give me sh*t if it dont work, cuz it works at my school. when u go to a site that blocked and the warning screen or wutever comes up, rapidly click the refresh button for a while. it should eventually get u onto the site and get past the block. good luckI:I
I do not know if any of you know but when i was at schol i used to use Proxy Servers to hide the IP which leaves you free to search any website you want.
I do not know if any of you know but when i was at schol i used to use Proxy Servers to hide the IP which leaves you free to search any website you want.

yea that works for about a week then they block that then you go to ultra surf 94, 95, and 96 then they block that and start tracking who uses it then take their computer privliges away.
Lol yeah i know, i hacked the school big time i was a full administrator and had control over everything. I got caught, the police got involved and i ended up being kicked out of school for 4 weeks and was never aloud on the computers again lol.

In all fairness if i was you i would just do the work its not worth it. you will see when you leave school that you wish you acturally got on with it.
^ he knows from experience lol

lol, na but friends have gotten their school laptops taken away because of it.. now we just use teachers passwords, not to much though. dont go on like myspace or anything like that while using a teachers password just go on youtube and stuff
Nah he's like from the stoneage he didn't even know how to turn the damn computer on lol. Nah I didn't help him with that I think that's y he would leave to "go home as he says" yuck but it was kinda funny cause I think that's what he was gonna go do in his truck
I do not know if any of you know but when i was at schol i used to use Proxy Servers to hide the IP which leaves you free to search any website you want.

my old school blocked proxy servers know whats really fun....f-disking all the computers LOL hahahaha
also what you can do is go to the internet settings and change the last # of your IP address and it should work