Right bend


Oct 18, 2012
It seems some prefer the right bend pipe. Can someone chime in on the advantages?

Not saying it isn't the best. I just see and abrupt change in the pipe direction coming out of the cylinder port. I thought this might create a flow issue.

i've had 4 of the most popular right bends made...
Trinity/CT multi cone, an F7, an LRD adjustable and a Dyno Port.

here's my findings, all run/tested on my heavily modded white bike, see my sig for details
and on my piped/filtered/vf3/stock carb, non ported black bike

the Trinity pulls the longest (highest rpms) of all the right bends, the F7 and LRD were a close second
i didn't give the DP a very long chance as it was the only one asking for leaner jetting.
i didn't like it on either bike.

the Trinity is now back on my white bike, prolly forever.
best pipe of all i've tried for my mods and riding style.

some seem to think the high rpm pipes are more for open area's ?
they've obviously not figured out how to stay in the rpm range the pipe makes power ?
i ride tight mountain trails/roads and rarely see 5th/6th gear.

i now have what most consider the top left bend.. Toomey
on the black bike.
it hits hard at about 1/4-1/3rd throttle, but drops off the power way before any of the right bends.