restraining orders????

I say if she is going to accuse you of sleeping with this other chick, the least you could do is sleep with her so she isn't making false accusations.

But really my wife had to get a restraining order put on a guy a few years ago and she had to have evidence. And she did eventually have to go to court with him.
i feel sorry for you.........but you should go to the po po's they can maybe watch your house for her and stuff, but just to let you know she will be super angry when she finds out................ so keep a gun beside you bed for a while.
Make Bob Dryerr's world a better place punch his ex in the face. Well I guess you need a heavy hottie in your life so she can go sit on this biotch for you and teach her a lesson.Also it's not your ex thats crazy just about all women are crazy some way or another.
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i have been in this situation a time or to and all she wants is your attention kinda like what 2yr olds do in the store throw fits and in an effort to get you to respond. the best thing to do is compeletly ignore her ass. i know its easier said than done but its the best way and before you know it months will go by and you'll hear a funny yet fu*ked up rumor about her that will probly be true and you'll just laugh and say "sad crazy biotch".

oh yea and bang all the chicks you can in the process even the ones she already thinks you are and everything will be fine
i feel sorry for you.........but you should go to the po po's they can maybe watch your house for her and stuff, but just to let you know she will be super angry when she finds out................ so keep a gun beside you bed for a while.

i do actully lol... its my old 7.62x54 I:I
id like to go out an just start banging chicks but right now im not to worried about it an thats why my boss keeps tellin me are you turnin gay??? im like no im back in college now an i want to get through it all an not be distracted right now... its all online classes so i got to work at 7 am get home at 5pm an then start my classes an then get done with them at around 10pm or so then i eat supper an then to bed.... so i really dont have time to go out to find any chicks right now... :( but my roomates women helps me out in that department she brings her lady friends over an thats how i get needs satisfied lol
my ex is fuggin crazy, like breaks into my house mulitple times, tried to stab me, keyed the f*ck out of my custom painted truck, police tazer her a couple times, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. :o

if your really worried, file a report EVERY time she shows up at your house, keep all text messages and emails, witnesses are the best, so is video or audio clips... the police should have a domestic violence/ family abuse department. after a few incidents or probably only one with witnesses, file with them.. it is very biased towards women, but if you have properly documented everything they should get a case for you. I had to get a lawyer because the department wouldnt go to court on my behalf. but they did set everything up, so it mostly worked out... keep in mind, this is serious sh*t. if you are not that worried then dont bother. she will be going to jail if you play your cards right... B)