Removed airbox lid and now...

But he said it was fine untill he removed his lid. more airflow also requires more fuel correct? So technicly, hes running lean and needs a bigger jet.

yea i know,just telling him what does what. So if its running lean it doesnt bog down, it would rev like hell, if tis rich it would bog down and not want to rev much.
maybe i should clarify. it idles fine but when i pin it, she has no power. i also don't see and blue exhaust smoke either so that means i'm running lean correct? if i do need a new main, what sizes should i order? maybe a 320, 330 and a 340?
maybe i should clarify. it idles fine but when i pin it, she has no power. i also don't see and blue exhaust smoke either so that means i'm running lean correct? if i do need a new main, what sizes should i order? maybe a 320, 330 and a 340?

Did you find out what you are running now?
maybe i should clarify. it idles fine but when i pin it, she has no power. i also don't see and blue exhaust smoke either so that means i'm running lean correct? if i do need a new main, what sizes should i order? maybe a 320, 330 and a 340?

those jets are way to big try a 290
These Blasters love the increase of air and fuel! I'd call to get your jets and block off kit in a couple of days. Before you go ordering jet sizes, pull the one you now have and order bigger sizes.. don't waste your time and money ordering jets you don't need. I'm thinking a 290 300 just fit you fine but don't take my word..
alright guys i took the carb apart today and i've got a 230 main jet so what size(s) do you think i should get?

oh and darealblaster you were right. at idle it was revving like crazy!
I'd pic up a nice set of 280 290 300 310.. start with the rich jets and work your way down.
Amost betting the 300's will be rich.
id just put the lid back on for now, and thats a stock jet, 230, way too lean for your mods, and you just made it worse , <<takin the lid off, i wouldnt run it again till you richen it up with the jet sizes recommended, or your gonna fry it, if it wasnt for the stock oil injection at 20:1, i'd bet it woulda already seized up
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i don't think it would have seized up that quick. i went down my driveway and back (about 200 yds total), noticed it wasn't running right and its been sitting in my garage ever since. and yea i know taking off the lid made it worse thats why i made this thread lol. anyway i just ordered a 290 and a 300 because i see thats most people are using. thanks for everyone's help! i'll keep you posted
yea i know,just telling him what does what. So if its running lean it doesnt bog down, it would rev like hell, if tis rich it would bog down and not want to rev much.

under a lean condition you can have a "lean bog" and this is a lean low power condition that does not want to revout. too lean reacts just like a too rich condition.
o alright and the number stamped on it will be the size?

BTW mods that i know of are dynoport exhaust, uni air filter, 240 BB and i'm running oil injection

if he is running this set-up then he needs to go to a bigger main jet and he will need to possibly fatten the rest of the circuits too. if the engine is ported he will even need a bigger main jet. i would say that he may need to go to a up to somewhere in the 330-360 range. i would also check your air screw setting, pilot jet, and needle settings. My recommendation would probably be to go to a bigger carb if he is running the stock 26mm or get it bored to a 30mm like they do at the link below:

here is an excerpt from an article on tuning....

....Ok…what’s the difference between a rich bog and a lean bog… A lean bog is a sudden loss of power with the characteristic boooooooooooowwwwwwwwww exhaust and intake sound, and if it’s way too lean… you will not be able to pull through it without letting off of the throttle a little bit. A rich bog has a much more mellow sound along with a blubber, stutter feeling and you will typically pull on through the range… in time. It should be noted that either one of these situations can be caused by your fuel delivery system or by clogged vent tubes.....

here is a link to the article:

I recommend this article to everyone as it explains the process very thoroughly. I:I
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thats some good info, 'ol burnin oil, that may have just explained me havin to leave off the throttle a little today to work thru my bogging in 3rd and 4th gear, at about 3/4 throttle, im gonna lower my clip 1 notch tomorrow and see if that helps, rep givin
thats some good info, 'ol burnin oil, that may have just explained me havin to leave off the throttle a little today to work thru my bogging in 3rd and 4th gear, at about 3/4 throttle, im gonna lower my clip 1 notch tomorrow and see if that helps, rep givin

agreed. thanks a lot man!
Hey guys I figured I'd give you a little update... I put in the 290 main and shes runnin great! Thanks a lot for everyones help!