oh ok, thought maybe the blasty was out-doing you in the length department, and you felt intimidated and so you decided to "cut it down to size"...hahahaha
Used 2K. The can in the back is a anti-rust primer i used on the inside of the rims. The black-a-matic wanted the day off, so i said if he is finish with the rims he could get the day off today! so he finish yesterday at 12h00. A little insentive goes a long way!HAHAH
i couldn't get a small amount of primer for the rims and 1l of it were to much, so i bought 2 cans of grey anti-rust primer and used only one.
The rims and bumper are gonna get 2 more coats black, cause in the sun it's got a brown glow and it must be BLACK!
Did you see this in the beeld this morning? Kwads bots in lug: Beeld: Suid-Afrika: Nuus
Nice build and everything, but please keep the Racial names to yourself. Its rude and uncalled for.
And sorry that i seem like a a$$hole, just kow the boundrys.