Plans for a custom build??


Jan 29, 2011
Providence, RI
So i was browsing the internet and came across THIS. Its called the icebear R12 for 1600 plus 100 shipping. u can find it here: Ice Bear R12 Gas Atv Sadly its a 125cc HOWEVER what came to mind was a motor swap.. a BLASTER motor, swapped moded and tuned for drag (HOLLYSHIT) and part the rest of my blaster IF this plan were to take place or maybe even banshee motor if i can find one..OR i could just get some drag racing slicks, lowering kit and +4 swinger for my blaster.. but this thing IS bad ass and probably registrable
i think if you were to get one and swap it, you'd wanna use an engine that makes a good amount of power easily, a 250/500 dirtbike engine sounds better, or a banshee engine.
yea guys.. a 125 on a bike like that is SAD. I do plan on buying it though and debating on a honda 400ex motor or a shee or any motor that would snugly fit in with less bending and torching. 500 dirtbike motor does sound nice too but i wanna keep it simple otherwise i'd throw my R6 motor in it that i have in my garage waiting to thrown in something. But i gotta get the icebear 1st to determine the frame size and strengths. Do the measurements etc and start planing on the motor swap. It shouldnt be hard to do. Im just more concerned about the durability of that frame. look at how long that swinger is. too much weight on the chassis would be a disaster... But u guys have to admit that thing is bad as hell. So far my plan is to order it (when income tax comes LMAO). do what i can to make it street legal, regi it THAN go with the swap, suspension, etc.
Another thing to worry about is that price. It's insanely cheap. What is the place of origin of that bike?
If it's china I say forget it. They are pro's at making a turd look polished.
On road @ 60mph is not the time to learn a life lesson.
Everything about that thing looks flimsy & cheap. Frame won't even hold up with the motor it has. Look from the rear, it's all catawampus, can't even get things lined up for promo pics ... lol ... Don't give them your money!
Another thing to worry about is that price. It's insanely cheap. What is the place of origin of that bike?
If it's china I say forget it. They are pro's at making a turd look polished.
On road @ 60mph is not the time to learn a life lesson.

i thought about that too.. i will do my research on it. hehe i can always chop it I:I Im sure it will come with a MSO. i think it even have a odometer on it. really all i need is DOT approved lights/blinkers, tires mirrors and a speedo/odo good to go. I always wanted to ride a quad LEGALLY in the streets. this thing would be fun as hell to ride and break necks when seen
hopefully the rhode island DMV is flexible.

i know here in MD its basically impossible to legally register an ATV for on road use. my friend and i *think* we have found a loop-hole, BUT even if it would work, you would be getting pulled over constantly by the police and they would heckle you non stop
hopefully you have a boat so you can make use out of that 1600 dollar
Chinese anchor.....

Just joking but I have to second or third ...don't buy it if it's chinese madeI:I
i kinda had a feeling it was china garb. my lil bike in my sig is from china but i rebuilt up ground up with US parts and the motor looks JUST like mine. But u can regi a chinese bike same as ppl regi chinese scooters. and yes u do have a great point on when i do regi it i'd get pulled all the time. maybe for the 1st month or two til they all spread the word "hey officer DICK, did u see that sick racing quad? yea that mfer is legit but i like pulling him over just to look at it.." i see that happening.. "23 i have a 114 on main street, nice quad on the streets but have a registered plate.. who wants to come see it while i have him by the balls?" hahaa.. then again it DOES look street legal tho. like thosse t rex' and cam ams kinda fits in with those.
the problem is that most DMVs specifically add in a clause for motorcycle registrations that say "on no more than 3 wheels"

so the t-rex and stuff is legal, but they specifically make notes to disqulify quads. but good luck!
Not hatin Demo ... just would advise (as I think most here would) not to drop 1600 on any ATV chinese made. A much sicker build would be to use the design and fabricate a custom frame, japanese motor, etc. I can guarantee you'll be fabricating to keep that thing together as is so might as well do it from scratch to start. Some of those sites claiming parts might even be able to get you the plastics or you could use customs from maier on a custom built frame...blaster Motor? ... I'd just think long and hard before droppin the cash on something you will have to highly modify. if you aren't even going to use motor, shocks are junk etc. then really what are you getiing for 1600 a frame, knockoff rims and tires and plastics. If you swapping motors the electronics/wiring won't be used either... just a thought
you all have good points that i already considered also. worst comes to worst i wont regi it and use it to cruz around the neighborhood or look pretty on the truck bed. But i do wanna throw a much larger motor in it. maybe turn it to a show bike thing as a project idk. Or like i said i could just do my blaster up like that. would probably cost that amount to mid it then buying that bike anyway. but i do love the look. i'll do more research on it before i spend any money
hopefully the rhode island DMV is flexible.

i know here in MD its basically impossible to legally register an ATV for on road use. my friend and i *think* we have found a loop-hole, BUT even if it would work, you would be getting pulled over constantly by the police and they would heckle you non stop

PM me about gettin a quad on-rode here. I'd love to rock the shee to the ma & pops store.
I took the shee the back way there after the hurricane one time, it was too much fun :p
when the snow hits me and a bunch of friends are getting our quads an tearing the streets up! not that i encourage street riding but last winter 7 of us was riding all over the city in the snow having a blast. cops give us a thumbs up I:I also helps alot to have a brother as a cop and me in the guard :D
Everything about that thing looks flimsy & cheap. Frame won't even hold up with the motor it has. Look from the rear, it's all catawampus, can't even get things lined up for promo pics ... lol ... Don't give them your money!

That last pic is scary lol