Piston blown up in cylinder after long ride.


New Member
Sep 14, 2024
98 Blaster ISSUE: After a four hour ride, engine seized and would not turn over with Kickstart. Exhaust pipe was blistering from heat. Was able to free it up but now have no compression. Removed spark plug and found what seems to be baked on aluminum. Removed head and found top of piston partially shattered. Cylinder wall of jug is terribly scored.

WHAT'S BEEN DONE PRIOR AND OTHER USEFUL INFO: Performed top end rebuild (New jug, studs, Wiseco piston and rings, gaskets, new head and new plug) roughly 3 months ago. Taken the quad out for mostly short rides since then on the weekends and everything has ran fine. Terrain was about 50/50 sand and dirt today. 85 degrees outside. Running 32/1 ratio for fuel and oil. Oil block off done by previous owner. Main jet has been upsized by two steps. Spark plug always indicates a rich running condition.

CONCLUSION: What can I do to prevent a repeat of today's catastrophe and where should I start/thoughts.

Any help is appreciated!
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