Pet Peeves


Sep 20, 2010
Sewage Drain
Just thought I'd start a thread thats really off topic about pet peeves. My pet peeves are:
When people chew with their mouth open like retarded cows.
When Hot chicks birp/fart/be disgusting in any way shape or form.
When I run out of gas in the middle of the woods on my blasty.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head. What about u guys?
Just thought I'd start a thread thats really off topic about pet peeves. My pet peeves are:
When people chew with their mouth open like retarded cows.
When Hot chicks birp/fart/be disgusting in any way shape or form.
When I run out of gas in the middle of the woods on my blasty.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head. What about u guys?

As you age a hot chick could do anything and i wouldnt care. The nastier the better!!!!
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pet peeves

people who shouldn't be allowed to own tools because they lack mental capacity to operate them

people who are constantly late

and when people are too cheap to buy quality parts and wonder why the china junk fails...
means they are freakier in bed.. haha

pickin boogers and eatn em..
if you borrow something bring it back..
look on the bright side things could always be worse..
talk to people the way you want to be talked to..
trust people till they give me a reason not to..
put two dots and the end of each statement..
Chin chin quads and the fact that people STILL buy them and biotch about them

people that use their stupid little toyotas and mommy cars with no muffler and retarded rims

street tires and stupid looking rims on ATVs

when companies build quads with hardware just too small or too large to find at a hardware store


stupid names for dirty sex positions

when something is wrong with your quad and you've tried everything and it just won't work right and you're like "WTF!? POS!"

when you spend a lot of money on something and it turns out to be sh*t

people with accents that you can't understand

champion spark plugs

driving really far to a store just to find it closed

when something is on sale but you get charged full price for it


instruction books you can't understand

buy something you have to assemble and parts are missing

people that demand respect but never give it

people that have huge ass expensive quads, but just let them sit in the garage and never use them/are pussies with them when they do use them.

getting in trouble for something you didn't do

getting in trouble with someone else just because you were there and didn't even do anything

I could go all night.......... a lot of things piss me off.
teenage kids (yes im one but let me finish) who get a sh*tty ass cars like corollas from like the 80s put them werid as spoilers on them and fart cans then say it will smoke almodt any car around

said teenager that acauclty is spending well over 2 grand to get there corrolla painted that dont run right and the tranys going in o and the frames rusting apart (yes i know someone whos doing it)

people who talk like omfg idk ect dont bug me on the internet or text messages but when they do it in person

people who dont take care of there stuff and when you point out something they say il just have my parents buy me a yfz 450

people who think that only a two stroke has a powerband and is a object on the motor

people who dont take your advice and use cheap parts to fix it saying there on a budget if you cant offord to do it right the first time you cant afford to do it a second time

people who lie about everything like someone i know who had a neon (yes had he wrecked into a cop car dumb ass) and said it had a turbo on the back of the motor and you could only see it when the cars on a lift

people who think you can bore a 4 cyl s10 out to a 6 cyl yes bore

people who lie all the time then when you comfront then they lie about lying wtf?

people who think there better than everyone

people who coplain about there lives all the time my response to them the reason it sucks is because all yo do is complain about it

when your just about to fall asleep all comfortable and someone comes storming into your room over something stupid

when someone says your quad slow then 5 mins later ask to ride it (thats not all) then you say no and they keep asking you to the point where you want to run them the f*ck over

preps piss me off realy bad

people who have there jeans halfway off there ass and talk like they just came out of a f*cking rap video you anit no gangsta pull your pants up

people who always feel they have to let you know what there doing on myspace or face book richard penishand just ate a cookie and is tired who the f*ck cares then under that theres that like stuff 30 people like this ok what is the point in that its just stupid and because of stuff like that i ahvent been on myspace or face book in months

chris angle magic kit (just say it on tv) just stupid just realy realy stupid

when your feet are cold and the rest of you is realy realy hot

when you turn on the sink to wash your hands and the sprayer starts going ape sh*t

when you bite your lip eating something

fat people who say there not fat

skinny people who say there fat

old people who feel the need to call the cops because you rode your bike past there house (dont your grandkids visit anymore)

when your all happy to get a fudgesicle from the freezer and someone put the 10 pounds of frozen hamburger in wrong and you open the door and it falls then you hop around for 10 mins looking like a f**ktard

when a cop thinks he can tell me i cant ride my quad in my yard (he was on a bike to and did like some kind of a power slide right infront of me) and says that if he catches me again hes taking yea go to hell

when someone takes the last tasty cake and puts the empty box back(trash cans like 5 feet away) so they can get your hopes up for something

theres alot more but i could go on forever but i mean who couldnt
teenage kids (yes im one but let me finish) who get a sh*tty ass cars like corollas from like the 80s put them werid as spoilers on them and fart cans then say it will smoke almodt any car around

said teenager that acauclty is spending well over 2 grand to get there corrolla painted that dont run right and the tranys going in o and the frames rusting apart (yes i know someone whos doing it)

people who talk like omfg idk ect dont bug me on the internet or text messages but when they do it in person

people who dont take care of there stuff and when you point out something they say il just have my parents buy me a yfz 450

people who think that only a two stroke has a powerband and is a object on the motor

people who dont take your advice and use cheap parts to fix it saying there on a budget if you cant offord to do it right the first time you cant afford to do it a second time

people who lie about everything like someone i know who had a neon (yes had he wrecked into a cop car dumb ass) and said it had a turbo on the back of the motor and you could only see it when the cars on a lift

people who think you can bore a 4 cyl s10 out to a 6 cyl yes bore

people who lie all the time then when you comfront then they lie about lying wtf?

people who think there better than everyone

people who coplain about there lives all the time my response to them the reason it sucks is because all yo do is complain about it

when your just about to fall asleep all comfortable and someone comes storming into your room over something stupid

when someone says your quad slow then 5 mins later ask to ride it (thats not all) then you say no and they keep asking you to the point where you want to run them the f**ck over

preps piss me off realy bad

people who have there jeans halfway off there ass and talk like they just came out of a f**cking rap video you anit no gangsta pull your pants up

people who always feel they have to let you know what there doing on myspace or face book richard penishand just ate a cookie and is tired who the f**ck cares then under that theres that like stuff 30 people like this ok what is the point in that its just stupid and because of stuff like that i ahvent been on myspace or face book in months

chris angle magic kit (just say it on tv) just stupid just realy realy stupid

when your feet are cold and the rest of you is realy realy hot

when you turn on the sink to wash your hands and the sprayer starts going ape sh*t

when you bite your lip eating something

fat people who say there not fat

skinny people who say there fat

old people who feel the need to call the cops because you rode your bike past there house (dont your grandkids visit anymore)

when your all happy to get a fudgesicle from the freezer and someone put the 10 pounds of frozen hamburger in wrong and you open the door and it falls then you hop around for 10 mins looking like a f**ktard

when a cop thinks he can tell me i cant ride my quad in my yard (he was on a bike to and did like some kind of a power slide right infront of me) and says that if he catches me again hes taking yea go to hell

when someone takes the last tasty cake and puts the empty box back(trash cans like 5 feet away) so they can get your hopes up for something

theres alot more but i could go on forever but i mean who couldnt

well said. i agree with the facebook one..."Brian Murphy taking a sh*t. then gunna eat." like i give a rats ass
my biggest pet peeve is when people p*ss and complain about someone's custom car or bike or whatever. people should build something how they want it, not what everyone else wants, so if you see a $500 car with $2000 rims on it, oh well. it must be what the owner wants. oh and people who chew on pens and pencils. thats disgusting
people......... lol naw

people that blame machines for their own failure, ie, "i ran out of oil but really wanted to ride so i did anyway and it blew up, why? now i am gunna part it out cause i dont know what i am doing" kinda deal
guys who think pink is the best color.
people who buy chinease atv's.
anyone who rides,sits,looks at, or eventhink about buying a artic cat.
people who call small cars a hatch.
stupid people, when people ask me for money when they kno i dont have it,poeple who strech the truth, lie, cheat, or steal for something instead of working for it,when peopel ride my stuff, break it then dont even offer to pay to fix it. ect.