Party got busted last night!!!


New Member
Feb 8, 2009
Okay one of my best friends threw a birthday party last night for him and his girlfriend, it was going all well until some uninvited guest showed up, the popo's!!! Okay first off we were in a gravel pit hole and its impossible to see the bonfire from the road so we have no idea how they found out about it, all we know is that an "annonomous" caller called about someone trespassing on land thats on the other side of the highway. I guess it was from all the cars coming and going. But anyways the party was rocking and it was going all well until we saw the cops on the top of the hill flashing their spot lights. So everyone ran, except for me and the landowner. Why run, your vehicle is there so they are gonna run your plates and find out who you are. Okay long story short everyone, except for a few that ran off, got mic's (minor in consuption) and most everyones parents showed up at 1 in the morning to pick their kids up. After the cops left and it was just a few of us my friend comes out the woods with a whole case of bud and we drank that up and went to bed! What a weekend!!
Hahaha the party I went to last night almost got shot down. I had a 40 in my hand and the owner of the house was asking how old I was, shouldn't have told the truth cuz she freaked out after that. Then she let it go and we ended up having a ton of fun anyway. Wicked fun night!
thats not bad whats better is when u find the partys an there all minors an ur not just tell them hey give me some free beer an we wont call u guys in an then leave with a 12 pack. lol kinda dickish but fun
Hahaha the party I went to last night almost got shot down. I had a 40 in my hand and the owner of the house was asking how old I was, shouldn't have told the truth cuz she freaked out after that. Then she let it go and we ended up having a ton of fun anyway. Wicked fun night!

i wouldve had a hard time pulling my foot outta ur ass if i was the owner lol.......14 yrs old drinking a 40..jeez
I almost got taken to jail for not keeping my mouth shut. I was totally blowed out my mind and the cop asked "Your mouth is pretty sticky huh?" and I replied with "yeah I need another f*cking beer, you better have not poured my sh*t out."
i wouldve had a hard time pulling my foot outta ur ass if i was the owner lol.......14 yrs old drinking a 40..jeez

ya no sh*t huh??? like its one thing for high schoolers to party but some of these jr high kids in 7th &8th grade is just rediculouse.<<<SP??? there all gunne be burnouts by the time their in high school...
No I was invited by a good friend so the least I could do was go, and I didn't get totally smashed I still knew what was going on, just a little tipsy is all.
its not a good idea to drink when your in junior high, your brain is still developing and your obsessive at that age. i remember i was 13 the first time i got sh*tfaced, all i could think about for the next year was getting drunk and fiding alcohol, thankfully i hardly ever did, but its not a good idea.
I certanly hope if you go and party at college then you are paying for all of it yourself. Because wasting taxpayers money would be pretty sh*tty.
Hahaha the party I went to last night almost got shot down. I had a 40 in my hand and the owner of the house was asking how old I was, shouldn't have told the truth cuz she freaked out after that. Then she let it go and we ended up having a ton of fun anyway. Wicked fun night!

man shut-up ur 14 i doubt u did any of that