oil injection


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
hey im kinda new to the whole two stroke deal. ive ridden them for years but never owned one. but my question is: i have always heard not to trust the oil injection on blasters but if im going to premix and not block it off should i still put oil in the tank occasionally so its not empty?
no just go to the diy section and find the oil injection delete. it can be done for very cheap and its really easy. then you can take that tank off. and wont have to worry about little plastic gears ending up in ur engine
You need to do it the rite way and get a block off kit. Make sure you plug the oil inlet on the carb. You can go the cheap way and cut and plug the lines.
alright thanks but the previous owner said he always premixed but when i bought it , it had oil in the tank
he may have already disconnected the injection... have you ever had the clutch cover off? do you have a line going fromthe clutchcover to the carb?
yea i just checked and both the line from the tank and the line from the clutch cover are still hooked up