Official Blaster Photos Thread

my 2002 blaster




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Here is my project in the works so far Ive got
DG full exhaust
bore 20 new etc (still on the bench)
maier plastics (from sms)
SmS grab bar (fixed it with a big hammer and block of wood to fit)
DG bumper (also from SmS)
I just recovered my seat-- cover from Hiddencomfortcamo and they did a great job color matches close enough for me
all the blue is going to go -port polish-tires wheels--H bars--brakes-frame paint,tangerine with gold pearl black swinger and arms--still tons to do though
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I guess I haven't posted anything in a while.

heres some new ones


Oil block off kit now,or you eventually might hate your life.

Hahah nice bike though its really clean.

Same with what looks to be a mojahve?

No worries man, as soon as the snow melts I'm blocking it off and cleaning the carb.

And yes its a mojave, I think I'm the only guy in alaska with one.