Offer from youtube - google adsence

Yeah i realize that but honestly, i dont think its guna make the cut. they offer it, but they still have to check it out. and if they dont like it, they delete it so i dont want that to happen. i gota get INTO the program before i start stage 2 :D

thanks for the tip anyway bro. have u started making money yet and how much? i dont know what kind of numbers im guna be looking at.
I'm in the same boat as you.
last week they offered the deal to me for my Blaster vids.
I opened an account and they have yet to add the adds to my vids.
for some reason, long ago i had an adsence account. i think it was for when i had my website i wanted to do it. so maybe the process will be quicker for me. im just waiting on them to give the ok then they put up ads and its good to go.

they finally put the advertisments up. havent shown any money being produced on the adsense site... kinda cheesed. i need more people to see this, im thinkin doin what other people do and make it a video response to popular videos so more people go to it.
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Yeah they are on my vids now.
Don't quit your day job.
4000+ new views with the ad sence and I made about $2.
Well youtube (which is owned by google wtf) takes a small cut.
The other deal is it's not how many views you get on your vids but how many people click the frickin adds.