Obama Won the Election

if he trys to take away guns as he wants guncontroll his ass will be shot a.s.a.p.
i think what really bothers me is obama is muslim. say what u will but the quran teaches 0 tolerance for nonbeleivers.hopefully i am paranoid otherwise we are in some serious trouble. and ya mccain and pallin are just money hungry like gw. i would like to see someone make some decisions because its morally correct and not with a hidden agenda.

he is not muslim...that is you being uninformed and listening to the media. is that why last night he said "God bless America" not "Ala bless america.
If i could vote it would have been for obama. Mcain is a money greedy ass hole just like Bush. Bush has practically destroyed this country and made the majority of the rest of the world hate us. We are in terrible debt because of the war and McCain wants to continue it. Why would we want 4 more years of that sh*t? Besides, McCain is gonna die in a couple years anyway. He was opperated on 1 1/2 years ago to remove cancer. They gave him a 3 year life expectancy. Then we get Palin, that crazy biotch should of never ran. But im glad she did, because she is the main reason more people didn't vote for McCain. Maybe Obama wont be able to pull us out of this debt and recession, but he couldn't possibly do worse that than retarded ass hole we had before.
If i could vote it would have been for obama. Mcain is a money greedy ass hole just like Bush. Bush has practically destroyed this country and made the majority of the rest of the world hate us. We are in terrible debt because of the war and McCain wants to continue it. Why would we want 4 more years of that sh*t? Besides, McCain is gonna die in a couple years anyway. He was opperated on 1 1/2 years ago to remove cancer. They gave him a 3 year life expectancy. Then we get Palin, that crazy biotch should of never ran. But im glad she did, because she is the main reason more people didn't vote for McCain. Maybe Obama wont be able to pull us out of this debt and recession, but he couldn't possibly do worse that than retarded ass hole we had before.

amen my thoughts exactly
i think what really bothers me is obama is muslim. say what u will but the quran teaches 0 tolerance for nonbeleivers.hopefully i am paranoid otherwise we are in some serious trouble. and ya mccain and pallin are just money hungry like gw. i would like to see someone make some decisions because its morally correct and not with a hidden agenda.

thats ignorant to say... guess ya didnt know his church in Chicago he went... BAPTIST... now who is a baptist muslim?? hmm?? can you tell me? thats like an OXYMORON... Rev. Jeremiah Wright? preacher of his church? did you know that? please people ONLY GOD can judge us all... who are we to say this about someone who wants to really help this country.
Let's GO back people in 2004 Mccain was republicans last resort. they basicly didnt like the man's views on things. and 2008 he didnt have any good way to solve things. The country falls near a recession, gas sky rocketed to $4 a gal., food prices shot up, companies went out of business, STOCKS all fell down, McCain: Right now our economy is strong!... BS i guess it is from his side... HE OWNS 7 HOUSES! guess it aint that hard for him. but what about ordinary people? Obama is an ordinary man. I voted for him not because of his color but because of his character. He says how he will help college students and i'm one. and EDUCATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF OUR FUTURE... so wit dat said if ur a high school grad your foundation isn't going to be as strong as one with a college degree and same with a college degree master degree students have evn stronger ones. Obama is an ordinary person. he did drugs when he was younger he hears everyone and not just certain people. WHY elect mccain? He really didnt say much about our education and his tax cuts? he worried more bout cashing in more on war... its just that he did some messed up things too. called Obama a celebrity... got Palin to be his running mate and i aint even know who the hell she was. thinking he could get Hilary's votes (he wont thinking right). he just wanted to win. Did Obama try to hide his previous drug use? no he wrote a book about it. he didnt grow up RICH. most of our presidents were except andrew jackson and thats over 200 yrs ago people. he was raised by his grandmother mother and father died when he was young. most African American boys are expected to fail when the are raised by a single parent. they are expected to go to jail or die early... America is suffering. and i believe Obama wants to help us. and its hard to believe it but there is still racism in America. i was goin into a gas station and my money fell out my pocket. as i went to the door i noticed and walked back and saw it like 15ft away from me a man picks it up and i ask him can i have it back because its mine he stares at me walk to his car and asks his wife if its hers and keeps his eye on me she says no and he give me back my money... i remember when my truck broke down and i walked to these people's house and i asked them for sum jumper cables... they said they would be there to help... i waited in the dark for 45 mins. i came back knocked on the door. and when i looked in the diamond shaped window a lady was takin a pistol and went in the kitchen and an old man went round back wit a shotgun. when i asked were they coming she told me no and they called a tow truck. then they started shooting...:( it really hurt me. no tow truck came and an hour later a cop came and tried to help. i didnt get home till 3 AM and i was only 12 mins away...
sorry i dont really care for either of em the thing i think our country needed right now was another clinton im voting for hilary in 2012 woooo!!I:I
sorry i dont really care for either of em the thing i think our country needed right now was another clinton im voting for hilary in 2012 woooo!!I:I

I wanted her to get the chance due to Bill would be her adviser. The fact that can not be argued is that all prospered with Clinton and I think that this president has him in his corner.

If we only had radios to hear what was going on, then you would not be able to tell the color of his skin. This is one educated man and unless the republicans draw a line in the sand and refuse to work with him, I think that he might be able to do some good.
My old man is pissed because he thinks now his guns will be taken away.
that's bullshit. They aren't taking anything away.
mabyee jimbob down the street getting drunk and going out back to fire off the old AK-47 has something to worry about, but sportsman like my Pop have nothing to worry about.
OK guys I know I'm off-topic and I know I will be labeled as a racist now! I'm a proud European-African, descendant of the Dutch settlers and French Hugenots(mainly french), come try live here in South-Africa! Most of "our" guns(Most of the legal one's) have been destroyed, you struggle to get a job because 70% of the SA population gets preference before you no matter your qualifications(How about a vice-president that says a shower after sex will prevent AIDS)! Then you have to worry about crime, you can't even shoot someone entering your house at night with a weapon in his hand because "you can't be sure he wanted to kill you", my quad has almost been stolen over the weekend, the f*cking bastard kicked of my shifter shaft! The farmers are being killed at a tremendous rate, the killers would be caught and never prosecuted or will be out in a few week's time, but then I could go on and on... I'm seriously considering to emigrate, but then I love the sunshine, my afrikaner culture(Not all of us agreed with Apartheid and it's us, the younger generation whites having to bare the consequences) and the beautiful natural resources...
hussein is a muslim name. means beautiful or handsome. y would u be called christopher if not a christian? means christ like or in the way of christ? hmmmmm

This site has some lulzy threads so im sticking around.

Anyway, so because someones middle name is hussein means they are muslim? are you kidding me? So just becasue someones name is shizuka means they are quiet? i think not. So i guess you believe in horoscopes and hand readings and the like? Becasue that is basically what you are saying. Race should have nothing to do with anything. So i will make the generaliztion that you are stupid becasue you come from texas. "but thats not true you say", ok its not, that is a wrong generalization. If you are worried about someones name, look at yours, BlasterBiotch. Ok, so you think you are a female dog? Or lets say this. "All people that drink alchohol are alchoholics". "But im not". Why. "Becasue it doesnt affect my personal relationships and i can control myself to stop drinking when i have to". Ohhh, just like obama can CHOOSE to be muslim or christain, regarless of the name that HIS PARENTS GAVE HIM. YOU are the reason that America is being held back, and untill people like you open your eyes, and realize that there is more in the world than texas, America will continue to be looked upon as a nation that is short sighted and narrow minded by other countries. And in some cases it is quite true. But generally it is not. It is the bad experiences from people like you that ruin the reputation America has. "One bad apple spoils the bunch" or something like that. So lets ban country music becasue i dont like it. Or southeren accents becasue it is different. =FAIL. Open yourt eyes and your mind. And let me ask you this, have you ever been out of America(and mexico doesnt count) or better yet, have you ever been out of Texas? Or I might even take it down to the level of have you ever been out of your county?
if i voted i woulda went with macain(only 14yrs old), hopeing that he would kick the bucket and palin would get in (we'd all be able to keep our guns) i think she'd've done us some good, but i sure wouldn't vote for no black/whatever else he is for a president, now lets hope obama gets shot and whoever else gets in, i don't care if i offend you
1. Please describe for me what any of Mcains or Obamas policies are
2. You are only 14 so your world is about as big as your town, so i dont think anyone will get offended by what you say.
3. You dont even know who the VP is so dont say anything.
4. Saving is spelled wrong in your signature, sorry if i offend you
1. Please describe for me what any of Mcains or Obamas policies are
2. You are only 14 so your world is about as big as your town, so i dont think anyone will get offended by what you say.
3. You dont even know who the VP is so dont say anything.
4. Saving is spelled wrong in your signature, sorry if i offend you

you tell him!! all i have to say is that his age i coming out in that post not that all 13, 14 year old are bad.....
1. Please describe for me what any of Mcains or Obamas policies are
2. You are only 14 so your world is about as big as your town, so i dont think anyone will get offended by what you say.
3. You dont even know who the VP is so dont say anything.
4. Saving is spelled wrong in your signature, sorry if i offend you

i don't give a crap how my spelling is, i ain't worried bout it.
i don't live near any towns, and i know being only 14 you may think"oh he/she don't no nothin bout the world and how the world works," but let me tell ya i know WAY more bout what goes on in this world(and country) than just some 14 year old, i have studyed this gov. sh*t and i know what goes on and how things work, so f*ck off, you don't know what i know and what i don't...
McCain- has a tax plan
relief for familys
he wants cheap and clean energy
lower barriers for trade
better health care plans
reform the gov.
fairer & simpler taxes
flexibility at workplace
and more...
obama- he's for abortion(which i'm not God has a plan for you even before you are created)
he is also for alternative fuels
provide middle-class tax cuts
most of it's a lie jest to git in and take over
