Note To Self.....

yea wasent the first.... lol i was reading the bottle, and says contact emergency services if swolled inhaled, and sprayed into eyes, etc, so im like damn. must not get into eyes. i go to spray it and bam rite into my eyes.... so now im like sol. lol

i finished cleaning carb then washed my eye out haha
Yea it hurts like a mother eh? I get a little quirt every now and then from cleaning carbs... you would think I would be smart and wear goggles right? haha nahhh
Done it more than once. Spray it in ports and it sprays back into your eye out of another port. Maybe next time I should point it away. Yeah right.
lol i have defidantly done this, it scares the crap outta you, worst ive ever done to my blaster though is using a grinding wheel right next to it, a spark hit the carb and boom nearly blew up my blaster, the carb was on fire untill is put it out lol
I had something like this happen to me today....

Note to self...

don't grab hot welding rods to adjust them in your electrode holder.....

I have a brand on my thumb and finger :-[
My friend was pouring gas into a carb in his truck out of a pop bottle and it backfired through the carb, the bottle caught on fire he threw it and hit my
Other friend in the face with bottle burnt his face pretty bad.