Noobers +3 Stroker Build

I have the same lights up under the bed of my truck facing out. Is the blaster even strong enough to run those things? Might be like turning the a/c on in a compact car lights come on power goes down LOL.

hell yeah man i used those lights all last year. they are the sh*t, they really light up the night. :D
im pretty sure i got them from napa?? they are tractor lights lol, i love em. they can take a beating too wich is good for the rocky trails we have here in pennsyltucky lol I:I

I got mine from pocono 4wd in stroudsburg. They work well under water also LOL.
i think i remember you said, last year, you got them lights at tractor supply ????, i even went to look at them for the lakota,
they're $10 each
i think i remember you said, last year, you got them lights at tractor supply ????, i even went to look at them for the lakota,
they're $10 each

yeah thats where i got em, tractor supply and i do belive they were $10 each, good call awk. I:I i will have all the parts to get this baby back on her own wheels this weekend, cannot wait :D
did you have to change bulbs or anything? i really think i might get some of those if i can find some.....
this baby is DONE!!!! i will get some pics up this weekend with a ride report. i will say that it is naaaaasty and everything i hoped. I:I I:I I:I
pics or your lying, hahahaaaa
and where'd ya get them bars???? i need high bends for my boys bike
i wanna see this thing mang.......vids or ur lying bahahaahhaah

haha i know i know, since the 'puter sh*t out we still need to reload our programs, kodak easyshare being one of them. i told the wife she needs to get that installed tonight so i can get some pics up tomorrow. i took ALOT of pics before i started rideing it lol I:I
pics or your lying, hahahaaaa
and where'd ya get them bars???? i need high bends for my boys bike

LOL!!!! man people really like these bars! haha i dont know anything about them man, they were on the crappy roller when i first got it. they used to be yellow lol I:I
looks great noober! frame looks awesome. cant wait to see it in action but good luck with the break in and sh*t

haha thanks dude!! i got it running sat night and rode it twice that night once sunday once monday once tuesday and once this morning. im thinkin tomorrow should be time to start haveing some real fun with it oooo-riiight hahaha I:I I:I
NICE! I can't wait to have that feeling of accomplishment. This puff will be in your honor!

lol saweeet, make it a good puff lmao :D. it was weird to put that last piece on and be like "wow i guess thats it" but a great feeling non the less. even better was when it started and ran without blowing up :o :o thats the real moment of truth lol.
COUGH-COUGH- COUGH Hell ya! I hope to be done in a week or two. Then i will have soooo much extra time, I might have to get another one for myself.