Noobers +3 Stroker Build

look at this jet booster
lol its just the tip is upside down from when i repacked it. i like how it shoots the smoke in the air lmao I:I I:I someday i will flip it so rain cant get in.. someday... hahaha

Ya have to make it blow rings of 2stroke smoke, now that would be cool!I:I
ahhhhh all installed I:I. al little tricky with all the crossing of the pre 03 and 03+ is the final result.. i was able to put a pre 03 axle into my 03+ carrier but you need a pre 03' brake hub wich i just happened to have one laying around courtesy of MR305, thanks dude!!).


this thing cleaned up real good, i should have took the pic first and not rode it but whatever hahaha thats how i roll I:I I:I


That looks great dude!
How did you polish that axle? I know my 03 is powder coated ( it could be factory baked on paint... idk ) a goldish color.

its not a stock axle, its a old lonestar.. made in 9/99 lol :o. i didnt do much to it really, a little steel wool and some cleaner wax.