newest addition to the family

Id clean the blasters once the temperature gets out of the damn 30's around here...I have no Probs Playing Hard and Working hard...
ahaha tell the mrs to get out there and wash it in a bikini while you sit in a lawn chain and suposed to be really nice this weekend
man u can get a programmer for that and u think it hauls ass now i was big into the 4x4 quads a lil while ago but it gets to expensive to play in the mud.....i can say this if you go near any mudholes u better get it snorkeled i learnt that the hard way
man u can get a programmer for that and u think it hauls ass now i was big into the 4x4 quads a lil while ago but it gets to expensive to play in the mud.....i can say this if you go near any mudholes u better get it snorkeled i learnt that the hard way

ill look into that..

usually snorkels and lift kits break any warranty that the machine has(learned this on fishers atv tv show)

ill check this also.. what if they are removed before it goes in.. lol
nice bruce 305, but if you think the blasty broke your ribs, dont try rollin that beast over on yourself!!!!!
usually snorkels and lift kits break any warranty that the machine has(learned this on fishers atv tv show)

your right it probably will void the warranty but the last thing the salesman told me was this machine is not a submarine lol.... i said the same thing to my friends that begged me to snorkel mine i said i wanna keep my warranty and ahhh i wont be in the deep stuff ill just watch and the first hole i went into was over my tank and motor got a big drink...... took it to the shop guess what they wont warranty it anyway and now your fixing to fix it yourself so trust me when i tell u snorkel it will save u money i GUARANTEE it...u can get snorkels that u dont have to cut any plastic hell i built one of of a vacumn cleaner hose and ran it up to my handlebars and say something goes wrong with it it u can remove the snorkel and put your factory crap back on and no worries.... far as the lift u might wanna check that....if your do lift it and put some aggressive tires like outlaws or the silverbacks get ready to replace the axles and when u do get gorillas there expensive but they are great.....i ran 29.5x12.5x12 outlaws on my foreman and broke both front axles in the same hole got gorillas and never another problem....2 strokes im learning but when it comes to the 4x4 your in my area done it for several years :D
how did you hurt your ribs in the first flip the quad

i was going down a big hill that banks left as you go down. i made the mistake of looking back to see if the mrs followed a drove up the bank on the right tippint the bike right over tossing me on the ground as it came rolling over me..

nice bruce 305, but if you think the blasty broke your ribs, dont try rollin that beast over on yourself!!!!!

i hear that... its a 600lb bike
your right it probably will void the warranty but the last thing the salesman told me was this machine is not a submarine lol.... i said the same thing to my friends that begged me to snorkel mine i said i wanna keep my warranty and ahhh i wont be in the deep stuff ill just watch and the first hole i went into was over my tank and motor got a big drink...... took it to the shop guess what they wont warranty it anyway and now your fixing to fix it yourself so trust me when i tell u snorkel it will save u money i GUARANTEE it...u can get snorkels that u dont have to cut any plastic hell i built one of of a vacumn cleaner hose and ran it up to my handlebars and say something goes wrong with it it u can remove the snorkel and put your factory crap back on and no worries.... far as the lift u might wanna check that....if your do lift it and put some aggressive tires like outlaws or the silverbacks get ready to replace the axles and when u do get gorillas there expensive but they are great.....i ran 29.5x12.5x12 outlaws on my foreman and broke both front axles in the same hole got gorillas and never another problem....2 strokes im learning but when it comes to the 4x4 your in my area done it for several years :D

i can tell you know whats up with them.. ill more then likely snorkel it and remove if it has to go in,, soo snorkel it, programmer, any others?
tires and axle are going to have to hold off.. ohh what about the belt any silicone needed or has that been taken care of on these.
MAN.That is nice.I would like one like that to run the woods behind my house.It's like a swamp back there after a good rain.Way to muddy for my Blaster.
thanks guys.. looking for a few parts already.. lol
i need a wench, the big seat for the passenger, passenger pegs, and the headlight plastic. if you guys know where i can find these for a good price throw a link..
thanks guys.. looking for a few parts already.. lol
i need a wench, the big seat for the passenger, passenger pegs, and the headlight plastic. if you guys know where i can find these for a good price throw a link..

my buddie bought the headlight plastic straight from the dealer, i think it was like $17 if i remember right. dont tell the mrs about the wench you want on the quad lol. but if you get stuck a winch would be handy to have ;).