New to blasters, need help

Its coming right along. Engine went back in without too many issues. Would have been cake with two people, with one it was hard to get everything lined up properly. That and the hardest darn master link ever lol

Unfortunately the PO lost the piece that connects my exhaust (Toomey B1) to the jug, so I had to order a new one, which won't be here for a while. In the mean time I polished up the exhaust.

I think she turned out nice


Where can I get some new cases my piston exploded also Im thinking of buying a new crank in like a Vito one with there piston big bore bit. How hard is it to split the cases.
^ Starting your own thread would be best. Since There isn't a great how-to, I'll help you out.

01sicivicdude hooked me up with my cases. He is very very reasonable on prices and the cases are like new. I also paid a little extra to have him purchase and install new main bearings.

I have no idea on the big bore kit, I didn't go that route.

Splitting the cases for the backyard mechanic such as myself is doable, but not to be taken lightly by any means. I used quart-size bags to collect pieces together (eg clutch, balancer shaft, crank gear) that way I would have everything together, but separated. You will need special tools, there is just no way around it. A puller for the flywheel and either a press or using a balancer in reverse to split the cases is absolutely required. Those are the only two tools I had to borrow, but I already had a full shop full of tools, my impact gun was helpful in disassembly.

I hope this helps, you can fix it, just take your time.
Progress today! It only took 4 months of backorder, but toomey did finally get me my part. Once I had it installed it fired right up (although a mistake on the kick start had me spooked the thing was seized for a bit). I discovered I have a leak on the side cover gasket, I'll get some rtv for a little extra sealant tomorrow. I ran it about 10 mins idling and putting around, let it cool off, then retorqued jug and head bolts. I did another 10 mins then called it a night, I'll retorque first thing tomorrow.

So far, so good :)
Progress today! It only took 4 months of backorder, but toomey did finally get me my part. Once I had it installed it fired right up (although a mistake on the kick start had me spooked the thing was seized for a bit). I discovered I have a leak on the side cover gasket, I'll get some rtv for a little extra sealant tomorrow. I ran it about 10 mins idling and putting around, let it cool off, then retorqued jug and head bolts. I did another 10 mins then called it a night, I'll retorque first thing tomorrow.

So far, so good :)

Do not even dream of starting it before the leak is properly fixed.

You should do a search on heat cycles and then proceed to break it in correctly.

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I had the bike shop leak test it the other day, it was all good. I have here a printout of the breakin instructions I found somewhere on this site, including the heat cycles (can't seem to find them now lol)

I got another quart of oil and gasket today, I am planning to spend most of the day tomorrow doing the break in
Got the leak fixed, finished the heat cycles, and did about 4 hours of the breakin. Life is good, and it is running better and better :)
Well the leak reared its ugly head after a couple days of light riding. I was deep in the woods so I just pulled off every 5 minutes and topped it up, came out just fine.

I diagnosed it as a leak where my oil injection used to be. I purchased a block off kit and went to put it on, when I discovered the leak was actually coming from a crack/small hole in the side cover there. Luckily the piece fell out not in, so no damage done. I think the damage was probably done when the piston detonated and I just didn't notice. I cleaned it up good and JB Welded it.

The way I see it that cover only holds oil in. There is no kind of pressure. I got a good hold with the JB Weld. Once it sits up fully, I'm going to sand a little on the inside just to ensure it doesn't interfere with anything and then button it all back up. Only time will tell if the JB will hold but I don't see why it wouldn't.
Well I finally got around to to doing the repair, put about another 5 hours on it in the woods yesterday and no leaks :). Also sprung for a block-off kit for the oil injection, and I am almost done with breakin!
Duly noted, but the system was already set up for premix, I just took out the shaft and replaced it with a blockoff plate :)

That said, jetting is one thing I had the bike shop went over when I first got it running