new to bikes '98 cr125


New Member
Aug 30, 2010
Port elizabeth, RSA
hey all,

ok so im really new to bikes, just decided one day spending time infront of the PC sucks so bought a '98 CR125, sexy as hell bike that i find fast enough except for.. it fouls plugs ALOT like once every 2 hours, now my main riding style is trail and i generally take it quite easy and slow as im stil learning, while this isnt the ideal bike for this i picked it up for R5000 (abt 500 USD), which in my country is cheap ass hell for a bike. and this bike has never idled ever, it just dies if u dnt keep throttle going( i have had a few stall and falls already) but its crazy that i have to keep spare plugs on me when my friends 80 goes a year on 1 plug, i noticed alot of oil dripping out the exhaust and alot on the plug, now i mixed abt 100ml oil to 4l petrol, is this a bit much? also the guy i bought it from "stopped the power valve system" or something, which i assume is hondas ATAC system(google is awesome) i hope this isnt a cause ether, any1 can tell me what im doing wrong? current spark plug is a NGK b8es, im considering going a b7 or something coz aparently a hotter plug will be better for trail riding, also im running 95 octane unleaded. any help is awesome

thanks allB)
you are running 40:1, which is great.
you current plug number is good.
what do you mean by he stopped the powervalve? like did he glue it close or open?
take your carb off and clean it out
clean your air filter.
check the jetting, you might be running a tad rich.

also do you have any higher octane than 95?
just so most know, his 95 is more like 90-89 for us.
You shouldnt be fouling out plugs, however if youre running 40:1 and jetting is for 32:1 you will have more fuel and technically run rich.

But I think your problem is the powervalve isnt working. Why someone would want to disable a powervalve is beyond me. That powervalve is what gives you the ability to breathe and make power down low like on trails.

Dont drop your plug to a 7, thats too hot, you could experience detonation which is no bueno.

Something tells me, get your powervalve working, and get your ratio correct, and go from there.
He said he disabled it because it made the bike to powerful... you know aything abt fixing the valve? maybe the valve is also the reason it has little low end power and no idle to speak of? well i will get the mix to 32:1 and take it for a long ride and see if theres and improvement... the main reason for the 7 plug was becuase i read that if i ride to slow the oil doesnt have time to burn off and a hotter plug would sort this out
he most likely just disconnected something on the powervalve, and yes the could be a reason for the sh*tty low end.
take the powervalve cover off and take a look in there, take some pictures of it too.
i wouldn't worry about the premix ratio that much.
but clean the carb out, you might also have a clogged jet.
petrol grades here kind of suck and they quite bad quality, think the ones available are 93 lead replacement and 95 unleaded, i put in the unleaded option with 2 stroke oil, ok well when the first plug was covered in oil i assumed it was because the previous owner put car oil(castrol gtx) in or 2 much so i ran low then filled up with the 4 litre 100ml (40:1) mix hoping it would clear it but half way thru the new tank it died again and i had to throw a new plug in.

as far as the power valve goes he just said he disabled it, which i assume was in the not working position lol i got no idea wit bikes..

as far as the carb goes, i dotn even knw where to look for that...mayeb i should take it in for a full service or get a how to on how to service it, we ride alot of very muddy trailes so the air filter is probably clogged to hell
you could buy a cymlers manual, it will give you the how to's to doing many things on the bike.
with the PV, he could have glue it open or close or took it out.
the carb is between the air filter and engine, right under the seat.
also what kind of oil did you use as your premix?
Powervalves increase overall power output on a 2 stroke. Theyre the bomb diggity, and you want your powervalve to work.

Youre bringing up several good points.

Get your air filter cleaned, if you have to, drain the fuel out of your tank, put fresh stuff in with a proper 2 stroke oil, and take it for a ride.

See how it does. If youre still fouling out plugs, youre too rich, he probably dicked around with your jetting or something.

You should cover all the basics first. Id find out what he did to disable the powervalve and reenable it, clean the air filter, purge the fuel, put good fuel/oil in there, fresh spark plug and see how it does.

If you dont cover all the bases, we will be playing guessing games.
the thing is dont mind if its down on power a bit, its still wild in the power band and since im stil learning its fine, if however the Power valve is causing the fouling then it must be fixed.

the petrol was replaced with unleaded and engen 2 stroke oil, so that shouldnt be a problem unless it didnt mix properly or something.

where can i buy a cymlers manual? ok i will try and get it serviced air filter and all, maybe get carbs cleaned if its cheap and see, but apparently this is a common problem with these bikes and some1 else in these forums had a similiar problem... sigh... i was hoping for a quick fix something along the lines of "IDIOT you put too much oil in!"

Thanks for all your help guys il definatly take ur advice!
there is a incorrect way to mix oil and gas. pour the correct amount of oil into the gas tank, then pour that into your bike.

it really shouldn't be much to clean a carb, i would do it for free for you if you lived close to me, but you do, sorry.

also try ebay for a manual.
CLYMER HONDA CR125R CR125 SERVICE REPAIR MANUAL M464: eBay Motors (item 270534561777 end time Sep-17-10 18:21:25 PDT)

also, i know there are other south african members on here, maybe they will chime in and help you if they live close to you.
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there is a incorrect way to mix oil and gas. pour the correct amount of oil into the gas tank, then pour that into your bike.

it really shouldn't be much to clean a carb, i would do it for free for you if you lived close to me, but you do, sorry.

also try ebay for a manual.
CLYMER HONDA CR125R CR125 SERVICE REPAIR MANUAL M464: eBay Motors (item 270534561777 end time Sep-17-10 18:21:25 PDT)

also, i know there are other south african members on here, maybe they will chime in and help you if they live close to you.

Thanks so much man seriously ur a big help! im gana buy that manual it looks awesome and isnt 2 expensiv:D
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i dont want to be a SOB but this is a blaster forum. and he ran car oil in it? and disabled the power valve because it had to much power? the guy sounds like a dumbass. fix the damn power valve and run good quality 2 stroke oil! its not that hard! dont mix the gas richer because you will add more oil to it, clean the jets, airfilter, carb, and fix the power valve most importantly.
Hey man. Just joined this forum tonight and I'm having trouble getting off of it. You should make sure you're running a high quality 2-stroke pre-mix oil in your gas.

I have an 03 CR250r that never blew a plug in 5 years until one time I had to use a cheap 2-stroke oil in it. I blew three plugs that day.